Hi all,
Well the weather was turned on yet again for us today. 5 to 10's in the morning and dropping in the arvo

With an early start we arrive at the first of our island popping exploits with still not enough sun light to hook up a popper. lucky for the caplight from the last trip.
Action was not great until it hit low tide and after, around 10ish.
The snappy couta were a thick however entertaining when tail walking on the surface to sneak up on the popper only to give it a bump and pass on. A few of the toothy critters got hook and had to be dealt with at the side of the boat (no way they are coming aboard!)

Dale hooked up to the first decent fish and his first gt, coming in at 15kg

And Mathew with not only his first gt but his first fish ever

and the best fish for the day at 16kg

The pressure was on with both the beginners opening up the score board
Finally after many follows this fella came up.

Red lures seemed to be the flavor of the day.
Poor ole trav with the only 2 couta's to speak of and the 2nd trip without landing a gt

Better luck next time hey mate