It is great to have started our season early in Northern. Over the last few months we have been working to move our Musandam operation from Dibba on the East Coast of Musandam to Khasab on the West Coast. Operating from Dibba has become very difficult with the border and plus the long run to the fishing grounds. So the decision was made to move, it was the end of an era and Dibba was where GT fishing in Oman started for us and we have had a lot of happy memories at GT House.
After searching long and hard we eventually found what we were looking for in Khasab a new villa to call GT House 2! Anura and the boyz had finally started moving the villa and this was no easy feat with borders and transportation but finally we moved into our new villa in Khasab. Now that we are in Khasab we are much closer to the fishing grounds (20kms) and it is now possible to fish during summer as we can fish early morning and late afternoon. With this in mind we wanted to start the season early as the locals had been telling us there was fish around.
I had been speaking to Matt Pickering and he was keen to come up with a fishing buddy Ulf Shulz to help get the season started. We got the 32ft boat up to Khasab, did a couple of test runs and we were ready. The guys drove through after work on Thursday evening and arrived at GT House to a few cold ones and a famous Anura Curry! After a good meal, all the tackle was set up and the guys got to sleep.
Early the next morning all the gear was loaded onto the boat and we launched the boat and headed for the fish grounds. On Ulfs first cast he had a fish hit his lure and after setting the hook the fish came off. We had several hits and follows but the fish did not stick. I finally managed to get a small GT on the Ocean Active Popping rod, a few pictures and the fish was released. We did a few more drifts with not to much action. We moved to a new location and I was using the Fisherman PE6 Black Musandam Prototype and hooked into a small GT on popper. Great little fight on the rod and definately this rod is going to be something special, fantastic all round rod. I landed the fish and we released. This was followed by another GT on a stickbait.
The bite slowed down and we tried a few more spots. At the end of one of the drifts we were floating in the back of the current casting in deep water when a shoal of sails showed up and fish fever broke out!! Sails everywhere, sails were hitting the lures, flies and a lot of shouting was going on, I managed to hook up on a stickbait on the Fisherman Black Musandam and the fish gave a great aerial show followed by some spectacular runs. The rod held up very well and when the fish went deep into the 5 knot current the rod and myself got put to the test. After a good fight the first sail of the season was landed. A few pictures and the fish was released.
We fished until mid afternoon and then headed back to Khasab to end a great day out on the water to start our season. Really excited at the prospects for this season being so close to the fishing and been able to fish with way less hassle.
For more information on our trips and reports contact us at

Brett setting up the gear in the new fishing room at GT House in Khasab.

Al Sayyad 2 our 32ft boat ready for action

Al Sayyad coming to pick us up in the Khasab Port

5 new prototype rods to test in the coming weeks. Hopefully all of the rods will be available on the market towards the end of this year.

Ulf and Matt ready for action

First GT for the season, caught on the PE8/10 heavy stickbait and popping rod. Not much of a fight but a good start.

Bending on the new Fisherman PE6 Black Musandam Prototype rod

Thumbs up for the rod, truly amazing all rounder.

Another GT for the first morning.

Ulf and Matt working one of the big Musandam current lines

Guides and skippers Brett and Damon

Sailfish on!! Hooked up on the Fisherman Black Musandam Rod. Awesome show and action with about 15 sails around the boat!

HAving fun!

Black Musandam rod getting low down and dirty!

Team sailfish picture

Sail release

Remote beach for lunch and a swim

Team pic

Love this beach, always amazing for a swim and relax in the 110 degree heat

Boyz having a well deserved swim

Brett getting the boat ready for the afternoon session!