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Zeck Lim

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 18, 2008, 10:07:15 PM
Hey there, Zeck here. Lurking for quite sometime now. Heaps of knowledge here. Currently based in Singapore and like to do the tango with GT and topwater game though I have very recently starting the vertical game. A fully certified tackle 'ho. Love the Maldives and would like to check out Aussie game in the very near future!

Mick Cunningham

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 18, 2008, 10:14:00 PM
WELCOME to this forum zeck lim ..

Ash Neale

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 19, 2008, 04:16:46 PM
Hey there lads some of you will know me from other forums, saw the link on your Wrangler signature luke and thought i'd have a look see. Like it alot and glad to see an Aussie jig/popping dedicated forum. Although my japanese is coming along nicely  :D not. Hope to pick up some new stuff and part with what little knowledge i have.
Love me jigging and haging to go bust some Gt's in Exy soon!
I am a tackle shop owner but don't hold that against me  :D
Just starting to have some success with the Taikubura type jigs and hopefully will be able to post some fresh pics soon.
I love rod builing and playing with rod designs and making better rods every time i build.
I will talk about (somewhat monotinously) the need to support local business if the occasion arises.
And lastly i love my fishing and am always interested in learning anything new.
Cheers Ash

Hon-Su Chin

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 19, 2008, 11:55:45 PM
Welcome Ash. We're all Popping and Jigging fanatics, some of us with more tackle than brains...join the club !! lol

Might drop by your shop tomorrow, you in??

Jay Burgess

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 20, 2008, 12:52:59 AM
Hey there lads some of you will know me from other forums, saw the link on your Wrangler signature luke and thought i'd have a look see. Like it alot and glad to see an Aussie jig/popping dedicated forum. Although my japanese is coming along nicely  :D not. Hope to pick up some new stuff and part with what little knowledge i have.
Love me jigging and haging to go bust some Gt's in Exy soon!
I am a tackle shop owner but don't hold that against me  :D
Just starting to have some success with the Taikubura type jigs and hopefully will be able to post some fresh pics soon.
I love rod builing and playing with rod designs and making better rods every time i build.
I will talk about (somewhat monotinously) the need to support local business if the occasion arises.
And lastly i love my fishing and am always interested in learning anything new.
Cheers Ash

G'day Ash, Let me know when you might be planning on heading down to Exxie for some GT's. I'm pretty keen and if I can get the time off work I might drive down for a fish (if you don't mind of course). Would be nice to get together with some other popping fanatics for some GT fishing.


Ash Neale

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 21, 2008, 02:25:57 PM
Hey guys, sorry honsu i was out by 3.30 bro, young dillan said he had a chat on sunday with you. Give me a yell next time and i'll make sure i'm in.
Jay i'll keep you posted bro, i don't have a time frame as yet but i'm workibg on it.

Johan de Vlieger

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 25, 2008, 06:40:45 AM
Hello all !!
My name is Johan de Vlieger and I'm really from the other side of the world : Belgium !!!
I've been jigging and popping for almost 20 years on species (mostly cod and seabass) in the northsea and more recently I've been fishing around the world for the big fellows.
Most of my trips took me to Africa (7 times) but I also visited Costa Rica, Mauritius and Norway.
I've payed a 2 week visit to Oz with my wife (just one day fishing with life bait close to the shore. Catch : 3 flatheads  ;D) and I just loved the country !!
Next time I'm returning is to fish the Coral Sea with Nomad charters.
I am a small restaurant owner, I'm married (see above) and I don't have kids.
Next voyage will take me to Djibouti (9 april) where it's really awesome to fish : you can easily catch more than 20GT's on daily base with a three men crew !! And there aren't a lot of fish beneath 15kg...

So I hope i can make a tribute to this marvelous site, see you !! ;)
Fishing is no matter of life or death : it's far more important !!

Donald Sproul

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 27, 2008, 05:51:42 AM

  HI !!, my name is Don and i also am from the "other side"  Maine, USA.  The only thing i jig for is Cod and Haddock. Sorry no pics. but we catch them and eat them and have never thought about taking pics. of our dinner .  :) I have taken a few pics. of Giant Bluefin but not many of those either as a lot of the time i fish solo.  I thought i would like to learn a little about jigging for paligics so i stopped in.  kind of on the OLD side to be learning new ways but I just have to read all i can. Guess i just don't want to miss anything.  ::) :o.

          Looks like you have a great site here, Congratulations !!  I type with two fingers and am fairly new to the Puter so i probably won't post much but you can bet i'll read all i can.     Thanks !!

  Don  /   Old Mud
Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 05:55:31 AM by Donald Sproul

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 27, 2008, 11:32:14 AM
Guys - welcome aboard!
Luke and I can't keep up with welcoming each of you to the site individually but we're pleased to have you here and while we hope the site is useful to you, we also look forward to your contributions.

Don, you may not take many photos but if the few you take are like the on your avatar, that is awesome!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Greg Burt

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 27, 2008, 06:10:47 PM
Don, I have learnt a lot in the time I have been a member of this site and it transgresses many types of fishing, at just on 57yo I am still learning and in the 10 months have progressed from one finger to two on the keyboard, and thank god for 'ABC Check' ::).
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Donald Sproul

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 30, 2008, 01:59:29 PM

  Hi and thanks for the welcome.!!   Tried to post a pic. but couldn't figure out how so you'll have to highlite it and past it . (I guess) ?? lol. Anyway this pic. was the USS Tarawa CVS 40 and was taken in 1948. I was stationed on her in 1957 &58. And YES she has A Wooden Flight Deck !! lol. So don't get nervous about getting old and NOT catching fish !   :o :o ;D ;D

  C:\Documents and Settings\don sproul\My Documents\My Pictures\USS Tarawa.jpg


Jay Burgess

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 30, 2008, 07:52:42 PM
G'day Donald, we can't access the file from your computer because it hasn't been uploaded. Click 'browse' where it says attach and search for the file on you want to post. It can't exceed 400kb so you might need to reduce the size with an appropriate program... it's pretty easy  :D

Ashley Cotter

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 30, 2008, 09:09:05 PM
Hi all,

My name is Ashley Cotter and i live in Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.
I'm floor sales manager at Tackle World Townsville.
I'm new to popper and deep water jig fishi'in. I like nearly all kinds of fishing but for
the last 5 years i'm have become a light tackle sportfishermen.
I'm in the Townsville Gamefishing club and the Townsville Sportfishing club (ANSA)
I hope to learn more from this site.

Ashley Cotter

Andre van Wyk

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
February 06, 2008, 09:39:22 PM
Hey, my name is Andre, living in Cape Town South Africa.... Born and raised on the South African East Coast, moved to the Caribbean when I finished high school for 5 years, then to Canada for a bit, now been back in Cape Town for 4 years...

Like most of you, I've been obsessed with fishing since I could walk, and have done my fair share around the way...  I've always been tackle crazy, and sight fishing obsessed... be it 150 lb Tarpon on Topwaters in the Backcountry or on the flats, or big GT's on the Flats or surf zone, I'm addicted...
Highlight being a 2 week outer atolls trip in the Seychelles... over 200 GT's on fly.... INSANE!
It was a fly only trip unfortunately, but when I go back, I'm taking my Carpenters and Smiths and Stellas without a doubt!!!

My aim now down here in Cape Town is YFT on Jigs and poppers.... I see there are a few other Saffa's on here, and hopefully I can hook up with one of you guys to open this awesome popping and jigging world up a little down here.

Great forum, plenty info, and hopefulyl I can contribute somewhere along the way.

Mad respect from the the otherside
To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth...

Andy Rowe

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
February 08, 2008, 02:58:28 PM
Hi All,

I like the idea of dedicating a forum to the honorable and not so ancient sport of GT Stopping.

I have been involved in this type of fishing for a couple of years and am addicted. Prior to this I never really fished much so this was the style I learned on. Part of my addiction also includes a tackle collection fetish :-[.

It has been great fun seeing the sport and equipment evolve. My partner is also fascinated by my addiction and cannot really come to grips with the time and money it consumes :D :D.

Being based in Jakarta and Lombok I am lucky as the GT is near and can accommodate my dependency.

Areas I have fished fish include the deep water off west Java for Mahi and tuna and central Indonesia to Komodo for you know what.

The first GT I ever hooked was off the rocks, It swam right up to me and took the XRap 30 a matter of feet below me. As it turned on it's side to run it was so big it reminded me of a bar fridge with eyes. I did not stop this fish but it it gave me great but short rush as it peeled off 100 m of brand new daiwa sensor braid along the nice sharp volcanic rocks and gave me my addiction.

Keep the good news coming.

Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 03:08:00 PM by Swimming Barfridge
Set the ray to GeeT