G'day all, My name's Troy as it probably says to the left of screen<<<
Firstly awesome site! lots of knowledge and experience here so thank you to the creators and members for making the page what it is well done!
I've mainly been into beach/rock fishing since I was young. Moved to WA from VIC about two years ago and am FINALLY getting the opportunity to head up North for a few days.
I'm going up to Exmouth/Coral bay for 4 days mid Nov and I think it would be pretty rude to not have a go at a few GTs while I'm up there.
I have a Diawa Saltist 4500 (please don't cringe) and have ordered carbon drag washers and some new bearings to replace the plastic bushes in the line roller, I'm planning to spool it with some 55-60 pound Suffix Braid. The reel is somewhat sacrificial as I don't really have the money to buy a stella/saltiga or anything of the kind right now.
Three Questions
Can anyone suggest mods for the reel to screw a bit more drag out of it? maybe an extra washer or will 10kg be sufficient for what I can expect to hook land based in Exmouth or am I dreaming all together?
I've been looking at a couple of cheapish two peice "popping" rods online, Diawa saltist 2013 model or a demon blood.... are they any good?
Can anyone suggest charters in that area? I've tried Eddy he's booked out

Cheers for any feedback in advance guys.