Seen a couple 'donkeys' out at Cato Island & Wreck Reef.....too wise for the poppers cast at them though

Shoalwater, we get 'bit' by 60plus sized fish though the terrain is immensly difficult...ask Brandon!
Also, the only 80kg class one that have seen eat,ate a mates popper at Break Sea Spit & wore through twisted 100lb fluorocarbon after 20 minutes of craaaazy fight time...
So...NO!! 300Lb is not too much leader especially as the 'bite leader'....the big ones can chomp through 300Lb Fluorocarbon when they hit the force of 20kg of drag when struck by the angler...not that the angler gets time to strike on these big mothers!
If we choose to aim for the big fish, rig big, fish hard and frame the photo...not the fish frame...
At least we are not wasting lures and braid in vain and the smaller ones get to be released with a faster turn-around.
Bring on the East Aussie Current....there are 60's off Bribane that have made us look silly!