Angus - Schalk Burger!>??!?!?!?!? If I didn't have such thick skin I'd be offended!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Thanks for the comments guys, glad y'all liked the pics.
All the Salty pics are fom a 2 week exploratory trip to the Outer Atolls of the Seychelles, Cosmoledo and Farquhar Atolls..... Heaven on Earth!!! Over 200 GT's on Fly in 10 days, ALL sight casted to on the flats....
That Bass ( Bohar Snapper ) was one of the funnest catches of my life... I wanted one o bad, and we were fishing the edge of th lagoon, with a big bommie filled pothole right on the edge of the grass flat, then dropping off into the lagoon....
Bluefin Trevally EVERYWHERE, and I had spotted this Bass chilling just next to a Bommie.... the first three casts at him got hit by Bluefin which become like pests in Sey...
On the 3rd Bluefin, I had him about a rod length away when the fly pulled out of his mouth and quick as a flas this Bohar slammed the fly and headed straight back to where he came from, under the bommie!!!
I had no choice but to lock the spool with my hand and hang on..... That Little bass towed me a good 5 metres acoss the flat and straight down into the pothole till I was chest deep and almost treading water while he ran under the bommie....
My old man was fishing alongside me and very nearly pissed in his pants from laughing so much!!! He couldn't believe I would let such a "small" fish tow me like that, or that when I realised that I couldn't stop the thing, I didn't ease up on the reel and let him run....
Well I managed to find my feet again and literally walked an winched this fish out from under his Bommie..... Caught alot of serious fish that trip, but that Bass was one of my favourite.....