- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Brad.Bell on April 14, 2009, 08:40:19 PM
Gday guys
thought i would start to contribute a bit, fish in the North West of WA, mainly with jay burgess
barra fish a lot in the summer although have been GT fishing now for almost 2 years i suppose.
love popping, have a custom ripplefisher Rp78PF and a good ol shim GT special. Stella 10K.
Will gradually post more of my old photos for a look see and some of the new
cheers, looks like a great site and more suited to my new preferred style of fishing (yes i cant believe that barra fishing has actually jumped in the back seat either)
Good to see you finally joined bro ;D
Good to see you on here Brad...I'm sure you'll have heaps to contribute from your end of the world ;)
yeah chris should do, good to see you had a good trip mate
here is a free plug for the Kong 180,
the lure has had two casts to date, frst cast got smashed by a GT prob 25 plus kg's, no hook up then second cast got a spanyid of around 18kg,s. Put it back in the bag after that i figured it worked and had to try something else
Welcome aboard brad,enjoy and may any help or quesions be answered!!