- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Jay Burgess on April 27, 2009, 01:37:43 PM

Title: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Jay Burgess on April 27, 2009, 01:37:43 PM
G'day guys, gathering info and ideas for a jig/pop trip in 2010. GT popping is my forte but I'm equally interested in the jigging side of things (haven't got to expereince big fish on jigs yet) and want a location where I can target big dogtooth on jigs and also pop for the GTs. I was wondering if Vanuatu might be a suitable location? Has anyone fished here and is there any professional operators people would recommend? Any other destinations you would recommend?

Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Nathan Cefai on April 27, 2009, 04:39:58 PM
Vanuatu has Doggies (alot of doggies) great to be targgeted with jigging,but on the GT side of things its great but not the best place..Ive fished there and for the hole week of doing a mixture of fishing i think we only got a handfull of GTs..marlin fishing is good also and plenty of tuna and big dollies...

Other members may have help on Vanuatu??..

I would go to Fiji insted of Vanuatu mate..Good doggy grounds around Kadavu and Ono..I have many customers who go there regulary and say they will always keep going there,some have been 4-5 times and love it..People have there on view in Fiji but i love it!!Farely well priced as well!!
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on April 27, 2009, 04:47:54 PM
Depending on your budget, there are a couple of areas where there is a good mix of GT and Dogtooth...

Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Jay Burgess on April 27, 2009, 05:08:11 PM
Thanks Nathan for the heads up on Fiji.

New Cal is an obvious choice but it seems like everyone goes there these days and I wouldn't mind something different.

Why not look further afield at somewhere off the beaten track - risky but could pay off!

That would be great Luke, any ideas though?
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on April 27, 2009, 05:39:23 PM
That would be great Luke, any ideas though?

Kiribati (very DIY)
Google Earth  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Andre van Wyk on April 27, 2009, 06:14:18 PM
Why not look further afield at somewhere off the beaten track - risky but could pay off!

Bassas de India....  ;)

Jay - Tanzania is a very good option... Mafia Island, Ras Mbisi, Kilwa Ruins... some fantastic operators in this area, very proffesionally run, on great boats, and they know the spots to find you both Doggies and big GT's.... I'll go out on a limb here and say this is probably your best bet for big Doggies.... recent captures have seen a 99.5 kilo Doggie come out on one of the sportfishing boats, and a 130 kilo on one of the local commercial boats.... Thats a BIG FISH!!

Certainly no shortage of GT's either.... plenty fish in the 25 to 35 kilo range, with enough in the 50 plus to keep even a seasoned popper like you on your toes....

Step over to the Dark COntinent mate.... once its in your blood, you'll be hooked for life!! 8)

PM me if you want more info...
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: David Sharples on April 27, 2009, 06:21:38 PM
Rodrigues with Yann Colas on Black Marlin. No popping but I believe the top destination for a trophy doggie. (
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Jay Burgess on April 27, 2009, 06:41:28 PM
Why not look further afield at somewhere off the beaten track - risky but could pay off!

Bassas de India....  ;)

Jay - Tanzania is a very good option... Mafia Island, Ras Mbisi, Kilwa Ruins... some fantastic operators in this area, very proffesionally run, on great boats, and they know the spots to find you both Doggies and big GT's.... I'll go out on a limb here and say this is probably your best bet for big Doggies.... recent captures have seen a 99.5 kilo Doggie come out on one of the sportfishing boats, and a 130 kilo on one of the local commercial boats.... Thats a BIG FISH!!

Certainly no shortage of GT's either.... plenty fish in the 25 to 35 kilo range, with enough in the 50 plus to keep even a seasoned popper like you on your toes....

Step over to the Dark COntinent mate.... once its in your blood, you'll be hooked for life!! 8)

PM me if you want more info...

Thanks Andre, PM sent.
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Jay Burgess on April 27, 2009, 07:01:08 PM
That would be great Luke, any ideas though?

Kiribati (very DIY)
Google Earth  ;D ;D ;D

Wouldn't mind looking into Solomans and Tonga but can't find much info on operators.
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Adrian Watt on April 28, 2009, 06:34:45 AM
Hi Jay,
Drop me a line any time if you want to know how the fishing is going around Kadavu island in Fiji. I skipper a charter boat here so I'm biast ;D but at the right time of year for good weather we average 15 GTs a day and target doggies on the Kadavu seamount.
Taveuni is also another good GT destination in Fiji. I can recommend a boat up that way if you prefer.
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Brandon Khoo on April 28, 2009, 08:15:47 AM
A lot of people (quite understandably) ask for recommendations where the jigging and popping is exceptional. If I knew of such a location, I reckon I'd be keeping it under wraps!  ;D

The reality is that most locations are generally either better for popping or for jigging. Some will offer great popping with the opportuntity for some jigging or great jigging with the opportunity for some popping.

if you want to catch dogtooth and money is no object, I'd say Diamond Islet with Nomad is about as good as it gets. I see lot of good doggies caught in many parts of the world but in terms of sheer quanity of fish, it's unbelievable. Personally, I think you're always better off focussing your trip around either jigging or popping.

I think it is also important to keep in mind when wandering off the beaten track just how important a decent captain/guide is. Without this, you already have one arm tied around your back. We tend to take this a little for granted when we espouse how great some locations are without acknowledging that we'd catch bugger all without the captain/guide with the local knowledge.

While I understand the desire to find new grounds, I'm quite happy personally fishing the beaten track, especially if that means expert guides who know their area intimately.

Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Peter Agapiou on April 28, 2009, 10:28:34 AM
keep your eye townsville.coming soon
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Nathan Cefai on April 28, 2009, 04:37:41 PM
Pete im keen as!!
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Stephane Gouy on June 30, 2009, 08:56:19 PM
Rodrigues with Yann Colas on Black Marlin. No popping but I believe the top destination for a trophy doggie. (

I confirm ;D ;D ;D ;D
we catch lot of dogtooth with captain Yann, more than 50 kg, some 60, 74, and some biggers unfortunately not me for the big one!!!!
Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Serge de Bruijn on July 02, 2009, 02:56:41 AM
Rodrigues is good for popping as well but with a different operator; Yann should be able to set you up with him.

The only downside of Rodrigues I have heard of is that it gets a fair share of windy days which makes fishing hard at times.

We are planning a trip for next year which we believe (or hope ;)) has both the jigging and the popping covered.

If it does you will read the report in May 2010 ;D


Title: Re: Popping/Jigging Expedition ideas
Post by: Stephane Gouy on July 02, 2009, 03:27:29 AM
Rodrigues is good for popping as well but with a different operator; Yann should be able to set you up with him.


yes in rodrigues island there is a lot of wind and the sea can be difficult (
if you want trolling or jigging, you have to go with captain Yann, a very good captain ( (
if you want to go popping, lets go fishing with Eric Cesar, and his boat 'le BOSS'
Rodrigues is a so so place for popping i think, some places are very very nicer in madagascar!
if someone want some photos about Rodrigues popping or jigging, mail me!
i write  every month a newsletter about fishing, its in french, but there are lot of photos!