- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Travis Heaps on June 02, 2009, 07:52:16 AM
As i'm tapping this in i'm repeatedly touching wood and thinking I should be throwing salt over my shoulder, staying away from mirrors and walking around with my eyes shut in case I see a black cat - I just don't want to jinx it. But for all those that regularly go on trips away you would realise how slowly the days before a trip go - so i'm just trying to pass the time!
Earlier in the year Warwick and I remarked how whenever we've planned a trip the weather ALWAYS came good, we had never had to cancel a trip, even after planning them months in advance. The very next trip we recieved more than 8 inches of rain the day before resulting in getting Warwicks 2 day old Hilux bogged while trying to get the boat from my block, we retrieved it but the boat and my troopcarrier were bogged for the next 4 days. Since then more than half of our trips have been plauged by bad weather.
But it seems we've appeased the weather gods some what - we leave the marina for Bugatti on Friday evening, returning the following Thursday morning and i've attached the forecast weather, moon and tide predictions up until the Monday at least. Some people prefer rougher weather for chasing GTs but i'll take this forecast any day!!
...fingers crossed... :D
Good luck Travis, I'm with you mate.. flat seas all the way! Can't wait for the report 8)
Sounds, and looks like you boys are in for a good week and some awesome weather, similar to that we experienced at Elusive (which is pretty much Buggati right?).
Looking forward to the report.
Whoah :o that is impressive!! Nice pic!
I think elusive reef is at the southern end of Bugatti, early word is that we might be heading to the northern end.
Cant wait!!!
Still not sure if 30 lures is enough!