- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: NathanMcNiece on June 18, 2009, 08:54:48 PM

Title: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 18, 2009, 08:54:48 PM
heading up to the whitsundays from brisbane this Sunday for 2 weeks. weathers looking great so looking to head out to black reef overnight in the first few days casting poppers. only doing some light popping with 50lb braid and twinpower 10000 and casting poppers like dumbell pop 150's and roosta 135's. any suggestions on locations to pop for G's or poppers to take would be appreciated

Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: Ashley Cotter on June 19, 2009, 08:42:30 AM


Send a PM to the taylor's mate they will help u out.

Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 19, 2009, 11:30:25 AM
just sent a PM then but i dont think they come on the site too often so fingers crossed they reply. does anyone else know some good spots that I can start off at?
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: Travis Heaps on June 19, 2009, 12:00:16 PM
Have you fished for GT's before Nathan?  They're generally fairly predictable as to where they hang out, the Whitsundays will be full of likely spots.  The majority of our fishing is based around Islands, as will yours be in the Whitsundays.  

Focus long casts against areas with waves breaking/whitewater that is breaking over points or even better - bommies situated just off the island.  If these areas have current running past them then even better.  With the current running try to concentrate on the leading edge of where the current is hitting the structure, the GT's will often sit in the pressure wave at the front of these areas.  If you can combine it all and can work you lure out of white water/eddies and through the area of current then you really are in with a chance.  The general consensus seems to be the more water movement (current) the better.

I attached a quick picture of a random spot I picked in the whitsundays on google earth - i've never actually fished there but circled a few likely looking spots that I would try.  The red indicates current and green is where i'd have a go if the current was running that way.  (PS if that cloud at the top centre was actually a bommie it'd probably be the first place i'd go  :D ;))

Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 19, 2009, 12:09:00 PM
na mate havnt done any real gt fishing before except at the whitsundays last week where I was unseccesful with GT's, only managing big queenies on the poppers. thanks for all your advice and hopefully ill manage a few GT's also a quick question, I'm using decoy 200lb split rings on my poppers like dumbell pop 150's and roosta 135's both with 2/0's, will the 200lb rings be heavy enough? also has anyone tried BAck Bone poppers?
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: Travis Heaps on June 19, 2009, 12:23:53 PM
Well if there's queenies where you're trying then you're a chance at GT's - they like similar water.

When you say 2/0 hooks which ones do you mean?  I've caught GT's on the hooks that come with the R2S dumbells but you're better off upgrading to something like maybe an SJ41 11/0 baker rig with single off the back. 

As for your splits - i've attached a picture of a stickbait that Warwick had destroyed by a 40kg GT the other day.  The wire is stretched, the owner hooks are bent and the swivel loops are straightened in part - the Owner #10 split ring didn't budge though.  They are rated to 220lb.  I know Brandon has seen them pulled apart on other occasions though.  So those Decoy ones should do for now - don't discount going heavier though. 
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 19, 2009, 01:55:23 PM
im using 2/0 owner st66 trebles. for the dumbell pops and similair size poppers wudnt an 11/0 baker rig be too big? what does the baker rig consist of?
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 19, 2009, 01:58:29 PM
is the baker rig just the sj41's cable tied together? and a jobu off the back? what size jobu would you use or decoy jigging single?
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: Travis Heaps on June 19, 2009, 02:01:20 PM
is the baker rig just the sj41's cable tied together? and a jobu off the back? what size jobu would you use or decoy jigging single?

Yeah the baker rig is two singles zip tied back to back.  You could use a Jobu off the back - we were using 9/0s the other day, they are big hooks though - maybe scale down a bit for the r2s and halcos.  For the baker rig SJ41 11/0s aren't huge hooks - they are big in the SJ51s though.  If you wanted to go smaller try the SJ41 9/0s. 
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 19, 2009, 02:08:16 PM
ok what size jobu would u use for the R2S 150 and roosta 135s? are docoy jigging singles any good for a single off the back?
Title: Re: Whitsundays trip.
Post by: NathanMcNiece on June 20, 2009, 09:42:39 PM
just got my spare TP 10000fc spool, spooled up with 65lb tuf line xp and got 3 more dumbell pop 150's before i depart tomorrow.