- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Scott Williams on July 15, 2009, 08:50:50 PM
Hi All,
I am keen to hear people's experiences chasing GTs out of Stanage Bay, or more specifically the islands and headlands close to Stanage. I am considering a trip up that way, but only in a 4.5 metre tinny.
The potential areas I see are:
# Marble Island and surrounding islands, there has been a few reports from these islands previously so this will probably be the area of choice, assuming the weather is (very much) on our side.
# Barren/South Barren/Double Rocks area.
# The headlands around the entrance to Thirsty Sound, Pier Head/Arthur Point and further to the south Stannage Point.
Any thoughts appreciated.
i found the canible groop of islands better to fish as if the wind does pick up, you can ride a wave where with marble island the waves will be hitting you side on.
The closest place with gt potential would be two round rocks, which is between marble island and the ramp, there are afiew exposed rocks as well as the islands.
good luck
Thanks Ivan, that's the sort of info I am after.
I had read reports from the Cannibal group previously, but the ~35km has put me off a bit. Probably further than I would venture - unless perhaps if it was one of those crisp offshore days.
The distance is what has steered me towards Marble, and anything closer would be a bonus.
Have you had any experience around the smaller islands to the North, Barren/Double Rocks etc?
Thanks again,