- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Brandon Khoo on June 04, 2007, 09:15:49 PM

Title: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on June 04, 2007, 09:15:49 PM
I'm interested in the actual experiences which people have had using large poppers and whether they result in bigger GTs. I know a number of people swear by using huge poppers which they believe result in bigger GTs. I suppose there is some rationale in that but my experiences have not supported that supposition. If anything, the majority of the bigger fish I have caught have been on smaller poppers and on my last trip, every strike I had from a big fish was on a smaller popper (under 150g) or a stickbait.

In reality, I wonder how much difference in profile which a GT notices with a popper that weight 125g to one that weighs 200g.
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Cam Foley on June 04, 2007, 09:20:12 PM
Nothing to do with large poppers but have any off you GT hunters ever turned your poppers round a used them backwards.Sorry to be a bit of the topic but just curious.
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on June 04, 2007, 09:46:18 PM
Cam - I have no idea - the one certainty is that you wouldn't have a popper anymore. I don't know if you're aware of this but most GT poppers are actually pointing vertically towards the sky before you start reeling. The reason for this is they are weighted that way specifically. If we attach the line to the weighted end, I have no idea how it would swim. Maybe like a sick stickbait?
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Cam Foley on June 04, 2007, 09:52:46 PM
Yer have herd of dudes doing it over here for kingfish was not to sure of how it would go i guess its all trial and error.Cant say i new where the weight was in a GT popper.
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on June 05, 2007, 12:34:48 AM
I'm interested in the actual experiences which people have had using large poppers and whether they result in bigger GTs. I know a number of people swear by using huge poppers which they believe result in bigger GTs. I suppose there is some rationale in that but my experiences have not supported that supposition. If anything, the majority of the bigger fish I have caught have been on smaller poppers and on my last trip, every strike I had from a big fish was on a smaller popper (under 150g) or a stickbait.

In reality, I wonder how much difference in profile which a GT notices with a popper that weight 125g to one that weighs 200g.

I am one of those who does believe in bigger lures for bigger GTs. I don't believe that using bigger lures alone will guarentee bigger fish - however, i am a firm believer that if the bigger fish are around, your chance to attract and entice the fish increases significantly. We all know that GTs big and small will eat prey of just about any size. This includes the smallest of Fusiliers to even juvenile turtles and dolphins (mainly in the bigger specimans). I have personally seen the size of some of the fish that the huge GTs chase - tuna to a metre in length, other 40lb GTs, Spaniards etc... so this is where i also start to think your odds are getting better when you start to 'match the hatch' a bit more. I have also found that the bigger monsters tend to hold deeps - say 50m. The extra noise and water displacement that these bigger lures create can be the perfect enticement. However, we all know that there are small lures that can create some great noise and displacement to equal some of the bigger lures (no denying that).

Incidently, most of my captures are on lures that are greater than 150g - mainly because that is what i use the most.

In reality, i don't think it's the weight but more the physical length being the key - a bigger silouhette in the water. Obviously, weight and balancing come in to play, affecting issues such as castability and ability to displace water and make noise.

I have also found that smaller GTs respond less to larger lures. I believe that sometimes the competition created by smaller fish for food just makes the larger GTs wait for something that doesn't interest the smaller specimans - which is usally a much larger prey which seems much more logical for a larger fish.

Of course these are just my own personal views - no hard and fast rules as we all know that GTs can do backflips in what they like and dislike - one minute on, one minute off.
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on June 05, 2007, 08:33:21 AM
I think we're very much on the same wavelength here. I don't think the actual size of the lure is the only criteria. It helps but you can to a degree replicate the commotion of a larger lure using blades off the tail instead of a hook.

With stickbaits though, I tend to use BIG lures like the Heru 150 or the big Orions. Plat has a absolute donkey of a stickbait called a Billy which I will try out again at Bugatti and I am much looking forward to trying the new Craftbait.

I do think the bigger GTs tend to be more ambush hunters unlike the smaller fish that chase everything.
Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Hon-Su Chin on June 05, 2007, 09:38:27 AM
Some small fish think they're BIG GTs.....

Title: Re: Do large poppers = big GTs?
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on June 05, 2007, 11:40:42 AM
I think we're very much on the same wavelength here. I don't think the actual size of the lure is the only criteria. It helps but you can to a degree replicate the commotion of a larger lure using blades off the tail instead of a hook.

With stickbaits though, I tend to use BIG lures like the Heru 150 or the big Orions. Plat has a absolute donkey of a stickbait called a Billy which I will try out again at Bugatti and I am much looking forward to trying the new Craftbait.

I do think the bigger GTs tend to be more ambush hunters unlike the smaller fish that chase everything.

The extra noise and water displacement that these bigger lures create can be the perfect enticement. However, we all know that there are small lures that can create some great noise and displacement to equal some of the bigger lures (no denying that).

Yes, i agree. See Above. However, i still think a big profile can help increase chances of monster GT battle even more.