- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Serge de Bruijn on October 23, 2009, 10:44:51 PM

Title: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Serge de Bruijn on October 23, 2009, 10:44:51 PM

as we are planning a popping and jigging trip to a remote destination without any shops or anything I am looking for tips and hints from people with more experience than me with this matter.
Any advice on tackle (e.g. how many poppers/ jigs do we take?) and things we should not leave without will be highly appreciated.

The trip will be with a catamaran (with an experienced crew) carrying/towing 2 fishing boats for the popping/jigging; taget species will be GT,Dogtooth, reef fish and bonefish with a fly rod  ;D
Total duration will be 10-12 days of which we will be travelling 3 days in total.


Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Warwick Joyce on October 24, 2009, 09:27:39 AM
Hi Serge, I think if you took 20 to 25 poppers/stickbaits you will definitely have it covered. Depending of course on how harsh the fished ground is and the size of the fish!
As for dogtooth I am unsure as I haven't had the pleasure yet. From what I have read you will most likely loose or damage as many jigs as you can drop at them! Once again depending on the size of the fish.

I guess it all depends on your weight restrictions, and if there are none then take as much as you can!! :D 
Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on October 24, 2009, 12:05:03 PM
Hi Serge, I think if you took 20 to 25 poppers/stickbaits you will definitely have it covered. Depending of course on how harsh the fished ground is and the size of the fish!
As for dogtooth I am unsure as I haven't had the pleasure yet. From what I have read you will most likely loose or damage as many jigs as you can drop at them! Once again depending on the size of the fish.

I guess it all depends on your weight restrictions, and if there are none then take as much as you can!! :D 

Going to Sey? Or St Brandon?

Since it sounds like you will be wading as well - do not forget Lycra shorts to wear beneath - chaffing will be a massive and painful problem without it. Good wading/reef shoes that go well above the ankle.

Warwick is correct about the lure front but also take some cheapies since you may cast landbased off reefs.

Pre-made leaders/spare spools.

Waterproof bag for cameras and other items you can't afford to get wet. Usually sealed by rolling the top shut.

Do the tenders have GPS? Suggest taking a handheld of they don't.

Water-proof lipbalm and zinc to cover the face (and or buff).

Pretty random list but I take all these on all GT or fly trips.
Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Angus Hulme on October 24, 2009, 03:24:33 PM
sounds like the sort of location you'd be needing some Jimmy Buffett CD's too.  ;)
Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Serge de Bruijn on October 24, 2009, 08:00:41 PM
St. Brandon it is ;D

We will be organising it ourselves since I do not want to pay either 5900 or 4000 euro's for a weeks fishing with some of the companies that go there (of course that price excludes a return flight to Mauritius...).

I am not too concerned about the weight, British Airways will take an extra bag of 23 kg's for 40 euro extra...
Thanks so far, I would not have thought of Lycra shorts...

I am afraid good old Bob Marley will be joining us instead of jimmy Buffet  ;)


Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Andre van Wyk on October 26, 2009, 10:07:29 PM

Since it sounds like you will be wading as well - do not forget Lycra shorts to wear beneath - chaffing will be a massive and painful problem without it. Good wading/reef shoes that go well above the ankle.
Warwick is correct about the lure front but also take some cheapies since you may cast landbased off reefs.

Pre-made leaders/spare spools.

Waterproof bag for cameras and other items you can't afford to get wet. Usually sealed by rolling the top shut.

Do the tenders have GPS? Suggest taking a handheld of they don't.

Water-proof lipbalm and zinc to cover the face (and or buff).

Sounds like an awesome trip Serge.. Very jealous!!! There has been alot of exposure about St.Brandon here in SA recently, all by the flyfishing guys as apparently it is Bonefish Mecca.... better than Sey even, and having fished Sey, if its better than that, you guys are in for an incredible trip!!!

Like Luke says, the lycra shorts do make a huge difference... feels a little strange and camp donning a pair of skin tight pants in the missle of nowhere, but your nether regions will thank you!!!

Also cannot stress the need for high quality wading boots with good ankle support... bite the bullet and get yourself a pair of Simms Flats SNeakers or Patagonia Marlwalkers or similar.... Boots and footwear take a HAMMERING on the flats!!! Don't even think about anything but solid boots... one little coral cut or rolled ankle will end your trip very quickly... get the Gravel Guards and decent socks to go with them too... Also make sure you wear your boots for a couple weeks before the trip.... just like they say you shouldn't run a marathon in a new pair of running shoes, same goes for Wading boots.... I was given this advice and didn't really heed it, and my legs and feet suffered the first two days.... once worn in, my boots fit like gloves though...

Bob Marley is a much better choice than Jimmy Buffet, I agree!! :-)

A few other things to suggest:

Good quality ziploc bags to keep small things dry on the flats

Take a fair amount of soft tissue papaer ( white gold ) or a bandana and keep it dry in the ziploc bags to use to clean your sunglasses while wading... nothing worse than having misted salted glasses and nothing to clean them with or wipe your eyes... its not called white gold for nothing!!!

There is a good chance you could run into Permit out there too, so make sure you pack some Velcro Crabs, Permit Hermits, Fighting Crab patterns for the long rod too...

The sun on the flats is INTENSE, I cannot stress  this enough... there is ZERO shade, unlike on a boat where you can find a spot of shade for a few minutes... So be sure to carry plenty of liquid in a camel pack and preferably filled with some kind of rehydrating/isotonic juice of some sort... drink as much as you can...
Also be sure to wear appropriate clothing.... take the highest factor waterproof sunblock you can... and reapply often... Try get one of the brands designed for surfers, its super strong and waterproof.

A buff/Bandana and quality hat with a dark underbrim are essential...

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious about the sun/heat/water, but its important... I lived in the Caribbean for 5 years, running a charter boat, and thought I was used to the heat ( grew up in sub tropical SA east coast too ) but Seychelles kicked my ass pretty hard.... in fact got so dehydrated and buggered the first session sight casting GT's in the surf, I walked back to the little island/atoll to try rest in some shade in a cave... my WHOLE body went into such intense cramps I couldn't move for 45 minutes.... and the tide was coming in rather rapidly.... thankfully my old man found me by the time the tide was at my waist and dragged me out....


Have a great trip Serge, sounds like its going to be incredible!
Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Serge de Bruijn on October 27, 2009, 07:30:19 AM
Hi Andre,

thanks for your advice, I will have a look for the Flats sneakers since I do have Mares Seaboots (diving shoes with a hard sole) but they do not support the ankles.
The good thing about the apparent numbers of bonefish that are there is that even a novice flycaster like myself should be able to catch a fish or two. ;)
If you do not mind I will contact you for some advice on flies before I go.


Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Geoff Volter on October 27, 2009, 10:15:29 AM
Which companies go to St Brandons? Those fish looks HUGE.
Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Andre van Wyk on October 27, 2009, 07:57:18 PM
Hi Serge,

Yeah the Mares Boots won't cut it on those flats unfortunately, you'll be crying in an hour... I don't think the flats on St.Brandon are quite as gnarly as the Sey outer Atolls, but not worth risking going without the right footwear...

I got a mail from Gerhard Laubscher of Flycastaways yesterday, they have just come back from one of their first trips of the season to St.Brandons, and going by the pictures, the place is amazing.... I'll call him this evening ( if he is back in the country ) and as him about fly patterns for you... going by the images he put up, looks like alot of tan shrimp patterns, and variations on the Permit Hermit... they got a few permit on this trip too, so always keep an eye out for that holy grail of the long rod...

Chat soon for sure.

Geoff - The only operators I am aware of running charters there are Flycastaways... But I'm sure there are others. Flycastaways are a South African company, and the creme de la creme of Fly guiding services on the AFrican Continent and Indian Ocean Islands... they are so far ahead of everyone else here on the fly side, its crazy...unfortunately their prices reflect this, but when doing the trip of a lifetime, spending the extra cash for these guys is worth it... they eat sleep and breathe service, fish and wild places....

Serge - If you could share some details of your trip with us, be much appreciated... I'd love to get out that way in the next 18 months, but not at Flycastaways prices, and unfortunately the flycastaways boys are fly only too... I wanna jig, pop and throw feathers... :-)

Title: Re: Remote Island trip advice.
Post by: Serge de Bruijn on October 27, 2009, 09:55:49 PM

as far is I know ( and aardvarkmcleod both organise trips to St. Brandon as well.
The french company is asking 3800 euro (exc. ticket) a person, the other I do not know.

As for details of our operation:
We are planning to fly to Mauritius the first week of April from where we'll start with a three day trip to the Soudan Banks with 3 big game boats to do some serious jigging, trolling and bottomfishing (and some poppering if possible).
After we return to Mauritius we'll stay on the island for 2 days before we embark on a catamaran trip to St. Brandon. The boats are owned by a good friend of mine who has been living in Mauritius since 2003 and is in the charter/tourist business, he will be joining us as well.
This trip will be a trial for us but if we are succesfull the plan is to organise a pilot trip (people paying cost price only) with guests to do some finetuning.
If that works out we'll be organising 6 trips a year at a "normal" price for people who do not mind basic accomodation but love good food and fishing.

For now it is all ideas but we'll work it out along the way.

Would love to see some pictures of the bonefish and permit.
