- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: David Rapley on May 13, 2010, 07:55:29 PM
Hi guys,
Am new to your forum, but certainly not to the sport. Spent a considerable amount of time chasing GT's around the whitsundays (awsome place), and also a little on the Capricorn coast.
Am right into rod building, and am about to have a crack at building a p.e 8-10 stick, to match with a dogfight. What im chasing is some input on what reel seats people feel are the best for the application. As you all know there are heaps available, and am very imterested to see how peoples opinions differ before i make my decision on what seat i will use.
Im really hoping for input from people who have used different rods with different seats so i can make a proper comparison.....
Cheers, i look forward to anyones input.. Dave.
Hi Dave,
I would only consider one type of reel seat mate - Fuji DPS. It's light and very strong - no need for an Ali seat for spinning reels IMHO. Almost every GT popping stick made has these seats fitted and I don't think I've ever heard of a problem.
I think the nicest type of DPS is the LD (long nut) version - not easy to find - ( stocks them.
Cheers Dave
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your input, those are certainly the seats i had in mind, they definatelt seem like the go. Never hurts to grab others opinions though...
Cheers again Dave.
Second the DPS
cheers sachin,
I have two seed pop paradise blanks, and have just begun building them. The seat mentiond is certainly what im planning on using, and all info suggests that they are certainly the way to go. They seem to be the lightest and strongest and also seem to accomodate any large popping style reel with ease. Was kinda hoping someone would shoot them down in flames with some fantastic seat that id never seen or heard of, but it really does seem that they are the best.
thanks again for your input, Dave
DPS-LD22 is what you want. good fit for the pop paradise, not much packing/glue required
Cheers andrew,
It seems that thats all anyone is using.......
I have been using , the Alps Tri 20 , a Stella 20000 fits on it just as good as a size 22 , and the weight is not much more than a Fuji 22 and you have a colour choice ,
thanks ian,
No strength issues with the alps seat? Have used a few alps seats before and have had a couple get stress cracks under pressure. This is by no means bagging their product as i have a couple of alps seats that have also never let me down.
Whetther this was to do with the seat not being exactly the right size for the reel or other factors i dont know...
Thanks again for your input