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General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Mike Heltborg on May 14, 2010, 05:34:28 PM

Title: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: Mike Heltborg on May 14, 2010, 05:34:28 PM
HI TEam,

Heading up for my yearly trip to Cairns. end May for 2 weeks.

Will once agin be fishing with Kerry Bailey from Blackout.

Last year we had a day where the current wasn't running so it was decided that we do some live baiting.

When be put down some BIG live baits they were absolutly smashed by big GTS... i went close but did not land any of these fish using some medium / heavy stand up gear.

My question is which Lure or technique would get them to bite if i didn't want to put down live baits??

I tried a 300g knife jig last time to no avail........the live baits were smashed within seconds.

Any thoughts or advice?

Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on May 14, 2010, 05:39:05 PM
What depth are you fishing?

First thoughts are an oversized sinking stickbait....
Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: John Joubert on May 14, 2010, 05:51:02 PM
keep perservering with the  knife Jigs,size and colour can be important ;)
Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: Mike Heltborg on May 15, 2010, 05:27:47 PM
Hey Guys......about 50-60ft of water i think.

I was using a green and yellow...which is my fav for kings.....but didn't give me much joy, although i didn't perserve
 for too long.

If you say they are the go...ill keep going!

Any clues on the better colours and sizes...and also luke the name of a decent lure that is available in Syd?

Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: Sachin Chaudhry on May 15, 2010, 08:35:54 PM
Hi Mike.
Did you try popping?
50 or 60ft is ideal as the fish will come up for it.
Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: John Joubert on May 15, 2010, 09:20:42 PM
can bust your guts popping without bait in those depths Mike,
200/300gm jigs .. pinks,orange, or Qantas: Red/white ,are all good, fusilia colours of blue yellow and green as well.

If its blowing then poppers are less likey to work but jigging will ;)
Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on May 15, 2010, 09:32:21 PM
Hi Mike

Popping most certainly can work, and quite often wind can bring them to the surface and more inclined to bite. Not a hard and fast rule but certainly a pattern for me.

We raise many big fish in water as deep as 70 feet but given they may be holding tight to structure - I'd suggest trying an Orion Bigfoot 220 with 10/0 trebles - let it sink for 20 - 30 seconds depending on structure and then let her rip! Unfortunately these aren't readily available in Sydney.
Title: Re: Deepwater Cairns GT's?
Post by: John Joubert on May 16, 2010, 08:19:44 PM
sry Luke wasnt implying popping wont work just if your freecasting rather than working bait then calm conditions suit better for seeing ripplers .that first splash of a popper past a bait school in calm conditions will almost always get the desired attention dont you agree?