- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

GTPOPPING.COM Sponsors (Historical) => Nomad Sportfishing => Topic started by: Nomad Sportfishing on July 08, 2010, 09:16:13 AM

Title: Elusive Reef 7 July 2010
Post by: Nomad Sportfishing on July 08, 2010, 09:16:13 AM
Glanville:- Today was a fantastic day we saw heaps of fish and managed to boat 21 GTs the weather today was really calm and I reckon our highlight of the day would have to have been around lunch time we were fishing this one point and Dominique boated 2 good GTs, things slowed down on the change of the tide and we decided to have a flick around the shallows and catch a couple of bludgers to kill time they were everywhere and whilst we were about to boat one of them a GT nearly ate the bludger out my hands, we quickly grabbed the Gt gear and had a couple of casts in about 1m of water we had a couple of takes but never managed to get a solid hook up and decided to drift around for lunch and the whole time we were drifting around there were GTs following us everywhere. The rest of the day continued in a pretty positive manner and we continued to see fish all day we stopped on one spot on the way home in the afternoon and had an instant triple hook up and in the end boated 6 GTs in about 20mins which was awesome and while we were fishing there were 11 Giant Manta Rays swimming around the boat in crystal clean water it was pretty amazing it's the second time I have seen mantas and it was pretty cool to stop fishing and have a look at them just cruising around a bommie, Great day!!! 

Nick: I had Brandon, John and Sunny onboard today and they were all in a world of pain this morning from the last few days fishing. They were reluctant to actually endure the hardwork of hooking another fish. We headed to a reef this morning where when we arrived I knew the boys were going to have to harden up cos there was going to be some serious destruction that was going to happen here. With patches of fusies lining the whole lagoon we had found the end of the rainbow. Every patch of bait held at least one fish and when left alone for some time it would produce another. We must have hooked around 12 to 15 fish by mid morning but only got 6 to the boat. I know for a fact that Sunny was trying his utmost not to hook up but John and Brandon had started to feel OK again well at least that's what they told me as I drove them to keep casting. The awesome weather we had today really made for a memorable day for sure, flat seas, bait everywhere, life was good. We then headed over to another reef where we saw more anxious fusies, we had been casting for about 15 minutes or so with no bite then finally we hooked up, Brandon mentioned that it didn't feel like a GT as the fish came to the surface it was our pleasant surprise a Yellow fin tuna around 15 kilos! What an awesome fish to catch right amongst fusies in about 15 meters of water. It really was a great day catching lots of species on the light and heavy gear and not to mention Brandon's 25kilo GT on the light gear which gave him currie. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Damon:- I had Kasey, David and Martin onboard today, and we had a ball. First stop on the end of a reef with heaps of fusiliers and 3 GTs to the boat to start the day. The next reef had an awesome shoal of bait on the corner, and everyone did a synchronised cast to all hook up at the same time for a triple hookup, with all fish landed. From then on the fishing was a little less frenetic, but consistent all day. Kasey landed a couple of GTs over 30kg, the biggest around 34kg, and had a great day with 6 GTs landed. David and Martin missed a few fish, in fact quite a few, but the action was good all day. We searched around some reefs we had never fished before, and ended up with 10 GTs and a few bludger trevally for the day. Very excited about tomorrow as we are visiting a new reef we have never been to, and it looks amazing!! Stand by for tomorrow's report!!

Title: Re: Elusive Reef 7 July 2010
Post by: Jamie Moir on July 08, 2010, 09:55:05 AM
Good to hear you got Kasey onto some Gs, now try and find something big enough to pull the skinny bugger in! I want to read about it tonite!
Title: Re: Elusive Reef 7 July 2010
Post by: Scott Maybury on July 08, 2010, 10:43:24 AM
Nice one guys good to hear it is really coming good.....if John has another whinge just tell him we are keeping a close eye on the updates, and I said to brush the sand out of his vagina and get on with it, bro!
Title: Re: Elusive Reef 7 July 2010
Post by: Peter Morris on July 08, 2010, 11:12:57 AM
Glanny....May the squid gods shine upon you ..... and hope they ink you again on your travels.

Man that was funny... ;D ;D
