- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: George Trinkler on July 28, 2010, 10:56:00 AM
Last week Golden Eagle was fishing the Cape Washington sea mount with a group mainly chasing dogtooth tuna (see jigging reports) but late one afternoon we did spend a couple of hours popping near our anchorage with some excellent results.
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not too bad for an arvo of popping. what sort of lures were you using?
it was pretty standard fishing for the Cape Washington end of Kadavu Tom, the crew released 12 fish in under 2 hours and had 3 double hook ups on Full Scale Lures, the black sparkle was good and the darker lures seem to produce more fish at Kadavu.
We have also started a tagging programme at Kadavu and Gau with close to 100 GT's tagged recently but no recaptures as yet.
Another Cape Washington GT
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G'day GT,
Looking forward for the next trip...
Great boat, excellent crew and awesome waters.
The Golden Eagle is the ultimate fishing charter!!
it was pretty standard fishing for the Cape Washington end of Kadavu Tom, the crew released 12 fish in under 2 hours and had 3 double hook ups on Full Scale Lures, the black sparkle was good and the darker lures seem to produce more fish at Kadavu.
We have also started a tagging programme at Kadavu and Gau with close to 100 GT's tagged recently but no recaptures as yet.
Another Cape Washington GT
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They probably recognise the boat by now and take cover ;D
keep up the posts on the tagging program as it would be interesting to know abit more :-) ill need to get over there some time to have a cast or two