- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Brandon Khoo on August 18, 2010, 08:06:58 AM
I attended AFTA 2010 on the weekend that was being held at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. It was actually a larger trade show than I thought it would be. It looked to me like all the big names from the industry in Australia were there. Shimano had the biggest display there (by a fair margin too!), Daiwa also put on a good show, Sebile (Nomad Sportfishing) had a rather interesting display with a tank in which the were displaying the action of the Sebile lures. I kept wondering what would happen if the tank sprung a leak!
From a GT perspective, there isn't much to report at all. I think about the only things I'd say in this regard is that Yamaga (Ripple Fisher) are finally releasing some new models. They're still prototypes at the moment but it looks like a new offering in the PE6-8 range and two new offerings in the PE8-10 range. The rods felt very impressive - light with very nice actions. The other thing I saw of interest were the new saltigas but they were only in the 4500 range. I understand the 6500s won't be out till late next year. The reels look very sharp indeed (I actually loved the look of them!) but if you remove the cosmetic changes, the reel is clearly just an evolution of the current Saltiga. Mind you, I could say the same about the 2008 Stella!
The shape remains the same as does the spool. The bail arm also looks the same although the whole assembly around the bail arm look very flash indeed. The new handle also looks like a big improvement. To be honest, the current reel is already a damn good reel so I'm nto sure how much improvement you can actually make (again, I could have said the same about the 2008 Stella!). I am pretty certain they will have addressed some ofthe more annoying characteristics now like the handle and the drag.
What isn't so nice is that Daiwa advised that there was going to be a 20% price rise on the reels. When you look at the price of the current Saltigas, boy..........
Other observations
I saw the cutest fishing device I've ever seen at the show. It is a little device that ties a uni knot for you. What you do is click a hook or swivel onto a metal pin, poke the leader into a hole (which has a funnel on it), click the handle five times or so and presto, uni knot!! Quite brilliant actually.
Shimano also had a squid lure I had a read a bit about - a pure white squid jig. Apparently, this thing has been killing the squid over in Japan so if you're an egi angler, watch out for this one being released.
I finally got to check out one of the new Daiwa baitcasters, the Z2020. I have to get one of these ..........
On top of the new GT rods, Yamaga had some really impressive lighter rods ranging from barra to egi rods. I've ordered two of the barra rods myself already although the rod that most impressed me was one I haven't ordered yet. I think I will in the end even though I'm not sure what I would do with it! It's a short rod about 6'5", PE4 and comes in both spinning and baitcater models. Clearly, it is a stump puller for big barra or black bass or solid reefies. Of course, trying to stop a decent reefie on PE4 is likely to see you get wasted anyway.
For anyone else who attended, please feel free to add any of your own observations.
I was meant to go down Brandon as I had a good mate on the Berkley Team down there.
BUT....I cant really go anywhere at the moment to my wife has the bub.... ???
I made it to the front door and was turned away as i wasn't invited.....damn shame.
Would have been nice to have met you in person Brandon and checked out some of that bling!!
I cannot understand why they don't open it to the public for a day or two. it would do wonders in promoting new products.
thanks for your insights Brandon. i normally attend as a rod builder on behalf of GCCR (United Composites and until recently Seed blank distributors) but missed this year due to more pressing commitments
Brandon any thoughts on prices of the current model Saltigas, particularly the 4500? With the new one iminent I was wondering if there would be a price drop to clear old stock?
I was looking at a twinpower 10000 FC but may go a little better and get the Saltiga if the price difference was a little closer.
I also heard the drag on the new 4500 is 15 kilos, 5 more than the current model?
Mark, I wouldn't want to speculate on what would happen with the pricing. Even if they did a runout of the old models, I'm not sure what saving would be available on a reel that is over $1,000 at this point. They're not a big selling item so I'm doubtful on how many reels there would be to runout in the first place. I understand that the new reel has a higher maximum drag. To be honest though, this is fairly academic if you're fishing PE4.
it of course depends on what you want to fish for but if I assume you're looking at reasonably heavy saltwater applications, I'd probably be having a look at the Twinpower SW instead of the FC and if you want to spend more, Id look at a Stella along with the Saltiga.
if I was making the choice between the current 4500 and a current Stella SW, I'd opt for the Stella SW personally but if I was deciding between the new Saltiga and the Stella SW, I'd want to take a good look at the new Saltiga before making up my mind. You of course will need to consider the price and if Daiwa do increase the price 20% that will make the new Saltiga roughly 20% more expensive than the comparable Stella. Will it be a 20% better reel?
The good thing about all this is you won't go to far wrong with any of the reels and I'd personally take a really good look at the Twinpower SW if I was on a budget but still wanted a top reel.
The quandry I find myself in though is there is no 6000 size reel in both the new stella and twinpower ranges. I don't know why but the twinpower 10000 FC is really just a 6000 FC with a bigger spool and is not the same as an 8000 or 10000 stella.
I have a 5000 Stella sw for 30 lb light work and a 10000 sw one for GT action. If there was a 6000 sw twinpower or stella I'd get it. This last reel I want is to fit in the 6000 size (Shimano) or 4500 size (Daiwa) range for fishing 50lb braid.
This is correct isn't it or did I miss something? Any thoughts?
There is a 6000 Stella SW - we just don't get it in Australia but if you try hard enough, you can get the spool as it will fit your 5000 SW. The 6000 is not the same size as a 4500 in capacity though - that would be the 8000
I don't know anything about the FC range in the Twinpowers
Is Twin Power FC especially made for Australia? I am not sure I have ever seen one of these. Big fan of the Twinpower SW and SWA range though - great value for money reels.
Good to hear about the Uni Knot gadget Brandon :). Not sure that such a simple knot to tie requires a gadget, but nonetheless brilliant ;)
There is a 6000 Stella SW - we just don't get it in Australia but if you try hard enough, you can get the spool as it will fit your 5000 SW. The 6000 is not the same size as a 4500 in capacity though - that would be the 8000
I don't know anything about the FC range in the Twinpowers
I don't know if I'd be using a 6000 SW for PE5 though. You'd be way better off getting the 8000. It's perfect for that line class.
Good to hear about the Uni Knot gadget Brandon :). Not sure that such a simple knot to tie requires a gadget, but nonetheless brilliant ;)
Yeah even I can tie a unit knot and I am one of the worst knot tiers (is that even a word?) ever.....if someone could come up with a machine that, in 5 clicks, made an FG knot or something, I would be very super stoked
There were a few interesting things going on at the show this year - we'll be putting out a tight line mag later this week with some pictures and a wrap up of the show.
Some of the stuff that caught my eye-
Daiwa Saltiga - Mag seal, Zaion rotor, 15kg drag, new 5000 size coming in November (based on 4500 body).
Shimano Trinidad - very cool styling, improved gears and drag, stronger anti reverse.
Daiwa Saltiga Lever Drag - Smooth and strong, 19-23kg max drag in larger sizes.
New Yamaga Prototypes as Brandon mentioned
Daiwa Popping rod - 7'6" PE10-12 popping rod in the S-Extreme range
Daiwa Saltiga Jig rods - up to 210g/PE4 rods on display, very light and strong - released January
Wilson Venom Rods - Jigging and Popping rods- blanks built in NZ and finished in Aust. excellent mid price range, light and very strong.
Samuari reaction rods - new prototype popping and jigging rods on display
Smith 3 piece popping rod - awesome for the travelling GT angler
New GT Hooks in Singles and Trebles coming out from River 2 Sea
New GT Trebles from Australian Angling
This is some of the more jigging and popping related stuff that caught my eye, more detailed info will be in The Tight Line Magazine
Duncan, are the Wilson Venom rods built on the Synit blanks?
Both Wilson and Synit use Kilwell as their blank supplier - but they aren't identical blanks. I think Synit use an outer wrap of Kevlar, whereas Wilson's are all carbon. The layups are also different but it does get a little confusing as they all use the name Venom (as does Pure Fishing for a completely unrelated range of rods!).
I had a play with a Livefibre Venom PE1-3 today. Definately more the PE3 end but did seem like a good value rod for the money.
It was a grwat show with plenty of new products for every anglers pleasure. What did intrest me though is the new range of Sebile lures comming out.
Brandon, it was also good to meet you and put a face to the name.
Ditto Jarrod - it was good to put a face to a name! ;D