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Extreme Jigging: Dogtooth Tuna, Yellowtail Kingfish (Hiramasa), Amberjack, Samson Fish => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Peter Ward on October 05, 2010, 03:38:39 PM
Am new here so be gentle :D
Am after a new rod & reel for myself & the wife for jigging mainly for kings etc at Narooma & shelf etc.
I am looking at the Stella's in the 10000 matched to a T-curve jig stick for the wife & a 20000 matched to a Precision custom rod for myself.
I doubt very much we will be taking them up north for the big boys, even though would love to, but curious on thoughts of what I've added as being suitable or should I be looking at something else?
Thank you :)
Hi Peter and welcome.
For obvious reasons, Australian resident fishos will know much more about the T Curve than the rest of us. Never understood why a rod that short should come in 2 pieces though....
On the Stellas - you will not go wrong. I am sure I would not be the only one who considers the Stella SW 20000 to be the best jigging reel ever made.
Be a little careful with the Stella 10000 for jigging. I think only the fast gear export version is available in Australia (? - please correct if wrong) - if so hauling up from the deep could get a bit uncomfortable. I would suggest you are better off with the slower Stella 8000 PG version or finding a domestic Japanese 10000 PG version.
Yes in Aus only the Stella 10000 is available in the high gear configuration, 5.8:1. It's the same as the 8000 reel with a bigger spool. I have one for popping.
If you are after a jigging reel the 8000 PG is the one to go for and if you think you need to you can get a 10000 spool for capacity. It will increase the line retrieve a bit but still not as much as the 10000 itself.
If you don't jig much and just do general bottom bouncing I doubt you need to worry too much about any of that though.
I have used T curves a lot and really like them. I don't jig though. I have a T curve deep jig 400 on my Saltiga expedition and it is fantastic. Some competitor rods in this category would be the Daiwa Catalina range and Fin Nor offshore rods. Both are really nice and all 3 are good quality in this price range. If your wife is goign to use 50lb braid the Deep jig 200 fits the bill.
Peter, I find the low speed reel with large spool (10000, 12000) to be best on the heavier jigs say 300 grams and up, and the high speed reel / small spool (8000) better suited to the 200 - 300 gram jigs, particularly for kings when sometimes it's the speed that draws the strike.
The high speed / large spool option can be hard work, particularly with a heavy jig - save that for popping. Whilst with the low speed reel (PG) and a small spool (8000), the leather jackets will be laughing at you all the way to the top whilst you whip the sea to foam - the jig going nowhere. Forget all this if you are just slow bouncing centre weighted jigs.
You might find the 20000 overkill on east coast kings (if its not doubling up for other purposes), the ideal set up might be a hi and low gear 8000/10000 combination that you share with your wife with a spare spool or two - you can cover more bases that way. I carry Stella 20000s / Saltiga 6500 with me, but I find my self reaching for the smaller reel most often - even on the bigger fish.
If you have two reel bodies the same size (just with different gearing) - you instantly have a spare spool to chose from - don't discount the Twinpower SW if you are looking to save a couple of bucks too, they are very good and the spools are interchangable with the Stella SW series. Additional info sent in PM.
Thank you guys e replies are very helpful and all taken onboard.
Think I might look at the 8000 & 10000 for each of us.
Peter thanks for the PM it was very helpful.
Again thanks guys :)