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Extreme Jigging: Dogtooth Tuna, Yellowtail Kingfish (Hiramasa), Amberjack, Samson Fish => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Marcus Lee on August 29, 2007, 11:22:30 AM
Hi fellas,
Anyone got info on the latest L120 upgrade? I understand that a beefed-up L120 is in the works.
Hi Marcus,
I beleive you are talking about the teflon drag plates being replaced by cork drags. These are an after market option. The cork drags will give the reel drag pressure up to 20kg. I have 2 and they both run on cork drags. They have more surface area than the teflon drag plates.
Then there a new small version of the Blue Heavens, the L50 and they run up to 10Kg drags on then for a reel half the size of the L120.
Can't you get a whole second drag for the Blue Heaven to make it twin drag ?
Cam, the L120 is a twin drag reel - you could possibly be thinking of the Pro Gear Oceanus 30, which is upgradable to a twin drag.
As Chris says, the cork upgrade takes the Blue Heaven L120 drag to 20 kg. However, the Blue Heaven "No Limits"reel Marcus refers to is a new model which I believe uses carbon fibre drag washers. I don't think it's available for sale yet. ChrisW will be able to fill you in on the details as I think he's handled one at a Japanese tackle show. One thing for sure; it'll be expensive but beautifully made just like the current L120.
I see ,got my reels mixed up ,cheers Matt.
I did get told that they could not sell the Blue Heaven as a twin drag because of the patient Accurate had on the twin drag ,true or not i dont no.
Could be true Cam as the Blue Heaven is a virtual copy of the Accurate twin drag reels (as is the PG Oceanus 30). However the BH 120 has some nice additional features and is the best made conventional reel, in terms of machining and use of high grade materials, I've ever used. It is also designed as a straight out jigging reel.
It's a bit confusing with the new Blue Heaven reels. What threw everyone was because the new "no limits L120" prototype displayed was anodised a platinum silver. Other external changes were different handle knob, diferent drag lever and several internal changes too including 20kg drags. I was informed that final colours were not decided although it was improbable that they would repeat the attractive blue anodise.
On speaking to another BH agent, he advises that they have the new reels and they look exactly like the old ones! The 20kg drags use the cork instead of the carbonfibre I thought they were changing to. So there we have it - available now.
Since the Pro Gear OC30 is made in the USA, it would have patent conflicts with Accurate if it were sold as a twin drag. There is no problems if the reel owner wanted to modify the reel by adding an after market 2nd drag plate.
So Chris is the Blue Heaven a TWIN DRAG meaning drag washers on both sides of the reel?
Cheers Cam.
PS:Do you have the new one's?
Hi All,
I think before we jump the gun, the agents for the Blue Heaven reels are Sabre Strokers SEA
They are the Exclusive agent for Blue Heaven Reels outside of Japan. So if you have any questions in regards to the these fine reels please call them and they will be able to answer all your questions.
Also the L50, the newest reel in the stable has cork drags as a standard drag plate, hence the ability to pull 10kg of drag in such a small reel!!! Truly amazing!!!!! ;)
In regards to the twin drags in reels Abu started if off many moons ago. Avet also has twin drag reels in their stable!! so twin drags are not a new invention. It just has been improved over the years. So the Blue Heaven L120 does come with twin drags as a standard and you can upgrade them to cork drags.