- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Dale Ianna on November 14, 2010, 07:13:14 PM
Hi there all
Just like to share some pics of a recent trip me and my mate glenn took to Lucinda, last month. We spent 10 days based at the Lucinda caravan park, with the intension of doing as many different styles of fishing as we could. Everything from chasing jungle perch, sooty grunter, mangrove jack in the freshwater, to barra, jacks threadfin in the estury's. However the real fun didn't start till we got our first good day of weather which would allow us to get out to brittimore reef, where we both had the best days fishing in our lifes.
The morning started out slow as we had never been out to this reef before, a 1 1/2 hour run in the boat from lucinda in the pitch black as there was no moon. Less than ideal for ya first trip to a new spot. We got to the reef as the sun rose and were pleased to see that there was not a breathe of air. We mucked around for a while with plastics until we could see the first sign of what we were looking for, big gts cruising the top of the reefs edge and flats. The first popper went and an instant hookup, about a 4kg red throat emperor. Then we knew we were in for a good day.
Whilst i was mucking around with that fish, glenn was smashed by a big gt as his popper sat idle over the reef, busted up. Ha ha. That was to be the last time for the day i laugh, as it turned out i was to loss more lures and drop more fish for the day than glenn.
From then on we had endless encounters with Gts between 15 and 35kg, from solo fish cruising the flats on top of the reef to packs of fish. Amongst all these we caught endless amounts of reef fish, coral trout, cod, spangled emperor mackrel.
Conclusion for that day at a wild guess, myself and glenn estimated we each landed around 80 fish each, all on poppers.
And to add to that we were seriously under gunned on the bigger fish, as we were both using daiwa 4500 outfits.
The following day the locals sent us to a spot that they promised we could catch 30 kg plus gts all day long. They weren't joking.
Fish in the smaller size's kept us busy until the big girls started to show up. What a sight this was as we approached a headland, i looked up and all could see a was a mass of black darkness swimming towards us. I yelled at glenn as my lure went through the air as he had not seen them yet. My lure hit the water and all i could think was i was about to get worked. I put he rod between my legs and wound my 4500 maverick as fast as i possible could. Looked up to see half the pack make a bee line for my popper(half the pack -15 to 20 gts what i thought were originally between 20 to 30kg) and then get inhaled as one of them shouldered about four from the side, this was clearly a bigger fish. This fish had about 150m on me in about 10secs i had no choice but to clamp down on the spool and try and slow him up. Not a hope straighten the spilt ring.
However glenn was struggling to get a rod ready as he was in the middle of retying when this happened, so he picked up his lighter spin rod (3000 daiwa sol and 8kg rod) and through whatever was on it. Result was 1 1/2 hrs of chasing this fish until we got him to the boat. Glenn's PB a 37kg GT. Seriously enormous effort on that gear.We followed this school of fish or they followed us for the next couple of hours landing another 5 of these fish.
Heres just some of the photos off my camera, with some other fish i didn't mention. (more photos to come off glenns camera)
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Would love to here if any other guys out there fish these areas for gts and if anyone fish's any of the surrounding reefs.
Welcome Dale and that's an excellent first post. A very nice variety and quantity of fish caught.
Looks like you found a stack of quality fish. Well done and welcome to the forum.
I have to say, back in the days of monofilament, my first crack at the Lucinda Jetty nearly emptied a very full tackle box of its poppers and chrome slugs in a 5 hour bust-off-a-thon.
It's an awesome spot on its own, let alone Brittamore!!!!!!!!!!
Nice work, keep it coming!
hey mate, good to see you getting on a forum! besides the epic fishing hows things? still living in brisvegas and hanging around with the brothers of darkness? i'm coming down that way for a holiday next week, be good to catch up with you and navi and crew over a few bevvies let me know...
Best trip report i've read for ages, loved it. Nice work, exactly the sort of trip i'd do myself. Haven't been to Brittmore but have fished the reefs further north for GT's - plenty of 15-20kg models but nothing bigger that we found.
Nice work on the JP's - heading up there chasing them next week...fingers crossed :)
Hi mate
Great report there,good mixed bag of fish to..
Welcome to the forum,any questions dont hesitate to ask... 8)
Hi mate
Great report there,good mixed bag of fish to..
Welcome to the forum,any questions dont hesitate to ask... 8)
Where is your New Cal report ya lazy bugger... ??? ;D
welcome Dale, an epic trip. love the huge finger mark, the jetty is known to hold monsters like that. nice JPs too, the bottom one is a ripper. where abouts did you land the GTs?
Really enjoyable read Dale. Sounds like an amazing days fishing and you really captured that special moment we all hope for, when the everything just goes off!!!
Thanks Tom, most of our Gt's were caught out on Bramble reef, i think i might have written brittamore thats another trip i had on my mind. But a few came from the headlands along the coast of Hinchinbrook. Yeah that jetty much be like the local pub for those fingermark, out of around 20 plus hook ups we only managed to extract 4.