- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Angus Hulme on November 23, 2010, 01:05:38 PM

Title: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Angus Hulme on November 23, 2010, 01:05:38 PM
Hi Guys,

Just come back from a couple of weeks with a bunch of family and mates up around the Smith group of Islands in the Whitsunday area. The weather we encountered was absolutely horrendous for all but 2 days, and really thwarted our efforts to put in serious time on the GTs.

As usual, I took a range of my own poppers and stickbaits up with me, and the lure I thought would work the best was monstered by an elephant-class GT just 2 bloops into it's first cast of the trip.  Consequently, the lure and fish were lost in the space of 2 seconds after the beast dived into the coral and bricked me on 130 pound tuffline spooled on a Stella running about 15kg of drag. The old GT special rod was in a world of pain, along with it's operator. Savage stuff.

We did manage to attract the odd trout and GT on poppers, but there was a distinct lack of tidal run for large parts of the trip, which I think might have shut the fish down a bit too. As usual, it's easy to come up with reasons why you are not catching fish....we had plenty of practice at that! Even when we adopted old school methods for reef dwellers and spaniards (such as live baiting), the bites were still generally very slow, so it was a struggle all round.

Anyway, the best fish of the trip was caught land-based and released by my brother late one afternoon. This 25+ kg GT ate a Nomad Cubera 125 and took about 20 minutes on puny 50 pound tackle, which I thought was a very creditable effort, particularly considering the hellish country that needed to be negotiated, and that it ended up being landed in the dark!

Personally, my only landed GT was a solid 15-20 kg fish which ate a home made popper, which I'd loosely based on Crusty's Fullscale Kong. Thanks for that Chris, in this case I want you to know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Anyway, good to get away for a bit and chill with family members and friends.

Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Peter Morris on November 23, 2010, 03:28:01 PM
Ah well Angus,

You look like you did ok considering the weather.....very respectable fish landbased that one....congrats to you brother'.

Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Mark Harris on November 23, 2010, 03:30:31 PM
Well done Angus considering the inclement conditions.  Great to hear that your home made poppers are doing their job.
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Jay Burgess on November 23, 2010, 04:59:13 PM
Nice work considering the conditions! That land based popping looks fun  8)
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Angus Hulme on November 23, 2010, 05:08:42 PM
Yep, thanks guys, weather made it a challenge to say the least! I think the wind was above 20 knots for about about 7 days straight, and constant squalls lashed the area. The Ebipops and Haymakers stayed in the lure bags in those conditions, I tell ya!

Jay, the land based GT popping is a real hoot, sometimes it's difficult avoiding a swim, especially if you go too heavy handed with drags, and don't have a good stance.  :o But the sense of achievement in landing even smallish fish from the stones is hard to beat for mine.


Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Aaron Concord on November 23, 2010, 07:57:01 PM
Onya Angus!

Hope there is some fuel for the artistic fire out of this trip for you.

Glad to here the home made creations have notched up some more fish for you.

It certainly looks like the weather was against you.


Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Angus Hulme on November 23, 2010, 08:28:39 PM
Hope there is some fuel for the artistic fire out of this trip for you.

Certainly is Aaron! Any time I see fish in the water, whether they are eating my lures or not, it's still enough to get me thinking about artistic subjects, filing away mental images for future long as the rum doesn't get in the way ;)

Cheers mate
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Aaron Concord on November 23, 2010, 09:40:31 PM
Well as long as the 'rum goggles' haven't warped your memory too much, how would the strike of the elephant-class GT you hooked look like??

Just asking,
And trying to see how much of a muse that fish was!
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Angus Hulme on November 23, 2010, 10:49:19 PM
Hah, yep.... the particular incident is clear as crystal Aaron. As for what it looked like, well, it kind of reminded me of a killer whale playing with a maimed seal pup.  ;) Gotta say, my chances of landing this elephant-class GT were about the same as landing an Orca, ie. none ;D

Ah well, it's why we keep coming back for more, isn't it?
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Jay Burgess on November 24, 2010, 01:59:16 AM
As for what it looked like, well, it kind of reminded me of a killer whale playing with a maimed seal pup.  ;)

Hahaha... that's gold  ;D
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on November 24, 2010, 08:13:55 AM
Good work bloke! Hoping to do a Gladstone to Whitsunday's tour quite soon.
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Nathan Cefai on November 24, 2010, 08:20:37 AM
Good work Angus.. :)
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Graham Scott on November 24, 2010, 09:09:17 AM
Great work Angus,
Any time on the water is good. You will probably remember the big bust off long after forgetting the next 20 GT's you land.
I wouldn't call the Smith group part of the Whitsudays, the Smiths actually have sandy beaches, clear water and peace and solitude. I remember catching a nice trout there for dinner on a trip from the Whitsundays, only to see it drop off the SP, bounce all over the foredeck with me in hot pursuit, slip from my grip and swim off happily.....sausages for tea that night!
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Daniel Kaggelis on November 24, 2010, 11:09:05 AM
Gday Angus

The weather up here in the Whitsundays has been like that all year and I can't remember a year when it was so consistently bad. I down around the back of Haymen the other day and saw some good GTs. Heres some footage of one that decided to hang around the boat whilst we had lunch.

gt1 (

He was an angry fish had a crack at your fingers if you tried to touch him!
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Angus Hulme on November 24, 2010, 11:21:18 AM
Cheers boys.

Yeah Luke, I'll be very interested to see how you go on the Gladstone to Whitsunday stretch....full report with pics will be mandatory of course.  ;)

Hi Daniel, nice under water footage there mate, that GT in your vid seems to have a real arrogance about it, doesn't it? 

G'day Graham, yep I thought the Whitsundays stretched down to about Brampton, but I'm happy to be corrected. :) Anyway, I sort of associated the area with "Whitsundays" to give people a basic idea of where we were. Nonetheless, I reckon the area is something of an under-rated sportfishing destination, and the limited numbers of anglers we see around the place are mostly bottom fishing with handlines etc.  ??? That's OK....we are happy to be on our own chasing GTs ;D

I feel your pain on the lost trout story.....I too dropped a goodie at the side of the boat on a live bait, about 2 metres from the landing net....would have gone 6 kg easy.  >:( At least I got this 4kg one......

Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Graham Scott on November 24, 2010, 12:19:21 PM
Hi Angus,
Yeah, Its just a bit of a standing joke between us locals a bit further south and the Marketing Monster that is the The Whitsundays...I actually think the WS is a great area and under rated for fishing cos most of the tourists have no idea. This is differnet to say 1770 where all the tourist are really good fishos...anyway enjoy your piece of Paradise!!
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Doug Lindsay on November 26, 2010, 09:08:21 PM
Did someone mention 1770? 8D
Title: Re: Popping the Whitsunday region
Post by: Travis Heaps on November 30, 2010, 10:17:59 AM
Nice work Angus, shame you didn't get some decent weather for the annual pilgrimage but still some nice fish.  And really you got all you need from a fishing trip, the anticipation, the scenery, the one that got away story and some nice fish photos  :D

Good work bloke! Hoping to do a Gladstone to Whitsunday's tour quite soon.

Hey I know someone that fishes in that stretch quite regularly  ;)