- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Sam Cheadle on November 27, 2010, 08:19:08 AM
Its exactly 37 days until my next GT fishing adventure.
As i'm sure many others who frequent this site are the same as me. There is not one day that goes by that i don't think about the upcoming trip with increased excitement and anticipation.
It's getting out of hand because people are talking to me at work and socially about various things and i'm thinking about leader, line and trebles. I have very little interest in anything else and i'm thinking of starting a group like alcoholics anonymous for GT fisherman.
I wanted to share these thoughts with everyone because i know i'm not crazy, just obsessed!
Please share - How many days until your next trip? and tell me i'm not alone
Cheers Sam
51 days and're not alone Sam :D
Ha Sam !!!! your never alone mate , Im tied down till next September without being able to do any extended trips and ive been tackeling up since August this year, it is a disease and is incurable dont fight it.
Seven days away
Funny, I'm not like that at all. I find the preparation a bit of a chore although I generally keep my gear in pretty much a ready to go state. I don'really tend to start thinking much about the trip until the week I am leaving. I think part of it is that the two locations I frequent have a fair bit of travel/ waiting time before I actually am in a position to fish.
Sam you are definatly not alone for me the chance of an experperdtion is probably further away than jim however in regards to my lbg fishing which when i go i will soley be targetting the gt,s that are there while the others chase the longtails and spanish mackeral unforutanlty my favourite spot unlike other parts of the country the best fishing is from late september till december unfuntunalty weather has destroyed it for us winds blowing galore and dirty water . being in rougher and and not crystal clear water doesnt seem to affect the gt's but the other 2 species wont be their so apart from one sucesfull week when i was overseas nobody has bothered to travel i might have had some good gt fishing but when i go i tend to go with my fishing mates and no-ones going becuse the ususal fish arnt there and they are not set up for gt's it has meant tha nearly our entire season has been a absolute disaster so for us we are stuck with the reality that we might get some fish in easter since the weather from jan to march is always bad there and now have to to accept we might have to wait till next year . Athlough one of my mates regardless is giong over the dec holidays so i will probably be going as well jsut glad i now have a gt oufit becuse the other species will not be there . the worst thing is due to lack of fishing we have redone , organised everything we can do with our gear and have even exhausted that avenue as a result we are going a bit stir crazy lol
where are you off to this time? NC again?
I can relate 100%, although, I try to book trips within 3-4 months of each other to minimise the 'hype & excitement'. I have 2011 mapped out so far. The period in between trips are usually spent researching & buying new gear & of course, if weather permits, I fish out of my own boat.
I can also agree to what Brandon says too; the time it takes for me to be in a position to fish is quite long. I travel from WA, and if you haven't experienced that Australian west to east flight... it's as boring as flights get. Add the connecting flight to places such as NC & Fiji, it becomes a very long flight!
Brandon, who are your companions/partners in crime this time?
It can't come soon enough
I haven't even got on my 1st trip yet and still the only thing I think and talk about is tackle ....... and then the feeling on getting my 1st GT
I'll join that anonymous group any day :P
I remember being like this once - but these days I think I can relate more with B :o.
I have all my gear stowed ready-to-go, and while I do not profess to have a Dragon's Lair of Tackle, I have enough so that I do not have to go out and buy any new bits if I were to go fishing in the immediate future, say tomorrow. In this way I guess it does become a bit of a chore to dig out the poppers suitable for the location and try and stuff the necessary rods down the tube. I may do this 3-4 days before a trip.
I have done a 'blitzkreig' where someone rang up on really last-minute notice and off I went!
I guess you can do this after building up some sort of 'inventory', and restocking right after a trip. That way you're ready to go again at any time.
With regards to travel time, at least for you guys its still on the same continent :'(
I haven't even got on my 1st trip yet and still the only thing I think and talk about is tackle ....... and then the feeling on getting my 1st GT
I'll join that anonymous group any day :P
Patrick, I hope your first fish is a decent sized one, the first moments of the fight will rock your world buddy ;D ;D
Patrick, I hope your first fish is a decent sized one, the first moments of the fight will rock your world buddy ;D ;D
Hehe.. I'm sure it will.
Here's how crazy I am... Got my RF 79R a week ago... yesterday I had to bring it to work and spend all my lunchtime casting with it in a quite big river floating outside my work.. IT WAS -7 DEGRES CELCIUS!!!! I got ice on the line .. I can only imagine what ppl though of me when they walked past me :P
Thanks for the comments fella's its good to know i'm not alone.
I can see where your coming from though Brandon. It can be a mission to get to the destination, and i can see how that could dampen the excitement of a trip.
Still..........36 days to go now.
Hi, my name is Scott and it has been 2 months since I last cast a popper.
I find the week before to be almost painful, and getting any work done is very difficult because I am just too fidgety and excited. Luckily my next trip, 43 days away, is in the middle of holidays for me so I won't need to worry about lost productivity!
I am a mixture, I find making sure I have everything is a bit tedious (and expensive, because I always go over the top), then I enjoy going through and picking out what lures and gear to take with a few beers (albeit it is difficult to limit it though I am getting better and almost came in under weight on my last trip), then I get super excited for the week leading up (when my gear is already usually packed), the night before I leave I usually barely sleep, then when I leave I don't get excited again until I actually am about to start fishing, so yeah with Fiji or Nomad or whatever there might be 2 days before fishing and that is ok but not all that exciting
Its weird, but I just go with it :D
I try to do one trip at the start of the year and one trip in the middle of the year to reduce the build up, unfortunately because I don't get to fish locally as much as I would like I am usually pretty backed up and raring to go by the time a week away comes around......come on Fiji in January!