- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: mat vinton on December 23, 2010, 12:38:21 PM
Has anybody had a look or play with any of these? saw the add where they are lifting 40kgs. Any ideas/thoughts
Arent the Venom Rods....Berkley's Range..??
HiT the gym
Hi Mat,
I believe Wilson's range are different from the Synit Venom FTs. The Wilson range uses a slow taper mandrel similar to first gen Synit Venoms. Hence the outcome is a more parabolic rod.
The Venom FTs use a triple taper fast taper mandrel which allows a wider range of jig weights.
You just couldn't resist, could you!
Nup, not really. Oh nearly forgot, some gaffer tape & any other impliment that you can find would be good to keep your a_ _ H_ _ e in tact.
Wilson Venom - sounds like a tennis racket ;D.
So I guess these use the same blank as the Synit Venom? Where are they made, any website etc?
There are Synit Venoms, Wilson Venoms and Berkley Venoms
All three are completely different
Synit and Wilson both use Kilwell blanks but are not the same tapers/mandrels etc
Wilson Venom rods are generally quite parabolic in action and have huge amounts of power down low. We have had a couple of the jigging rods as demos over the last few months and have used them on many trips out off brisbane and tweed.
Picture attached is the PE# 3-8 Spin being bent up on a 20kg king
As you can see by the terrible angle my mate has the rod under, they seem to be pretty durable little rods.
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Thanks very much Tom.
The bend on that crazy-angled rod look like what you might expect from an equivalent Smith AMJ.
Hi Mark,
I would say the AMJ rods tend to have a little more taper in the very tip sections. Both are quite parabolic but the AMJ's do seem to have a little more of a pronounced taper in that first thirty or so centimetres.
HIGH STICK HEAVAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does sound like a tennis racket,
Thanks for the visual!
Kye is the king of high sticking. ;D
We have been running 6 of these rods now on the charter boat for just over 6 months and as of yet have had only good things to say of them. We have 4 spin rods and 2 overhead rods in both 350g and 450g size. Best fish to date on one was a 400lb blue marlin that was in the wrong place at the right time- well for us anyway. Unfortunately this fish died 300m down after being tail wrapped and had to be winched up with the rod under extreme pressure. It came through the task with flying colours. We purchased them for the boat so they are not sponsored tackle and therefore this opinion is unbiased in any way. We are pretty happy with their parabolic action as they are very forgiving on the angler and as Tom mentioned earlier can take a bit of high sticking. Hope that helps
So as not to hijack another thread where these rods were a consideration to purchase.......................for those far more knowledgable, opinions of a PE 5 or 8 Venom versus a GT Special?
Will be matched to a Saragosa with 80lb for a beginner having his first crack.
Cheers, Rhet
The Venom popping rods have more of a medium action to the T Curve and bend right to the but when you pile on the pressure at the boat or when the fish sounds. Which rod to chose is a tricky question and will come down to wether you prefer a faster taper or slower taper rod. A few of the guys on the Tweed are fishing the Venom's and the best fish to date on one is a GT of around 45kg. If that helps
I'm also a beginner and I'm interested in the Wilson Venom Popper PE10 rod to match to a Saragosa 18000 and 80lb braid, rod felt real nice and I like the curve through out the whole rod. Has anyone used this rod yet? my other option is a t-curve GT special, but at first glance I think I prefer the venom. any thoughts?
Mate the Venom rods have performed quite well to date. We have the jig rods and the popping rods on our Charter boat RU4REEL that operates out of the Tweed and as I said previously the best fish on them to date is 46kg. They are probably a bit more forgiving on the angler than the TCurve but the T curve may have a bit more stopping power. We havnt managed to break one yet even though we have giving it a good go. The best advice I could give you is to source one of each and have a few casts even if its in the local creek or river, this will help you to make up your mind as everyone's taste in rods is often different and what is often good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
Mate the Venom rods have performed quite well to date. We have the jig rods and the popping rods on our Charter boat RU4REEL that operates out of the Tweed and as I said previously the best fish on them to date is 46kg. They are probably a bit more forgiving on the angler than the TCurve but the T curve may have a bit more stopping power. We havnt managed to break one yet even though we have giving it a good go. The best advice I could give you is to source one of each and have a few casts even if its in the local creek or river, this will help you to make up your mind as everyone's taste in rods is often different and what is often good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
Thanks mate, I've tried my mates t-curve and found it a bit heavy and a bit too stiff and unforgiving for my liking......please correct me if I'm wrong but when you mention the t-curve has more stopping power, isn't it the amount of drag you have on your reel that determines the stopping power of both rods? To me the t-curve seems a bit harder on the angler whereas the venom seems to be more forgiving due to the smoother bend throughout the entire rod?
again I'm only new to the game so all advise is appreciated
This is a Synit PE10 Casting rod,may be different spec blank to what you get in OZ though I'm not sure.Definitley takes some punishment,you can "drive it like you stole it" 8)
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Stopping power is probably not the correct word- what I was trying to say is that when the fish takes the lure and heads away from the boat a low rod angle will compensate for a softer rod while the angler can still put a lot of pressure on the fish. When the fish slows up and you want to put line on your reel, you will still need to move the fish with the rod to pump and wind. If the rod simply absorbs this effert you will struggle to turn the fish and keep its head coming towards you if your rod is not up to the task. Once again a lower rod angle will help you to a certain degree but as the fish gets closer to the boat the rod comes more into play than the reel. Probably something that is a bit difficult to put into words and have the exact meaning passed on. The best bet is to play with a few different rods(as you have already started doing) until you find one that suits your budget and your preference. Just remember that GT popping rods were never really designed to be very forgiving on the angler , but more so to pull very large fish away from cover and most rods will still be fairly brutal to fish with all day.Good Luck with it.
Chris, I'm new to the game too, please hurry up and buy a rod so we can go fishing and get better at it! Greeny
does the the synit/wilson venom rods have plans of getting dealers in the philippines?
jigging and popping are fast catching on here.. we need more variety of tackle to choose from.
jigjigan na!
I'm also a beginner and I'm interested in the Wilson Venom Popper PE10 rod to match to a Saragosa 18000 and 80lb braid, rod felt real nice and I like the curve through out the whole rod. Has anyone used this rod yet? my other option is a t-curve GT special, but at first glance I think I prefer the venom. any thoughts?
Hey Chris,
I have the venom PE10 popping rod. It is a fantastic rod for using stickbaits up to 190g. It has a very flexi tip so you can really work the stickbait. As for popping it does struggle as its not as broom stick like to pull the popper through the water, but it will work a 125g popper nicely.
Cheers Glenn
does the the synit/wilson venom rods have plans of getting dealers in the philippines?
jigging and popping are fast catching on here.. we need more variety of tackle to choose from.
jigjigan na!
There is no Synit/Wilson Venoms.
There is a Synit Venom, a Wilson Venom and even a Berkley venom, but they have nothing to do with each other but the name.