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General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Craig Maree on January 03, 2011, 08:58:28 PM

Title: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Craig Maree on January 03, 2011, 08:58:28 PM
Hi guys doing some research on the TP thinking of getting one or as a backup to my Stella SW's.

I am bit confused with the max drag specs on the reels -

I.E. Shimano Aus has the max drag of the 8000 and 10000 at 22kg and 25kg resepectively where as doing a search on Ebay for prices Shimreels Tackle has the max drags of both reels at 14kg - which is the correct info ?

What SW and SOM spools are interchangeable with the TP.  I have the SW 5000, 10000, 18000 and the SOM 16000 and 2000 spools.

I see there is TP 6000 size is the reel body the same size and the TP and SW 8000 and 10000, can the 6000 take the 8000 and 10000 spools.   

Any help appreciated please.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Alex Jordan on January 03, 2011, 09:04:43 PM
I have a TW 12000SW XG - used now as a back up to my Stella's but has caught me a alot of doggies and reef critters - virtually identical cosmetically to a Stella SW but with slightly different internals and without the double AR mechanism that a Stella SW has ...

Spools, handles and roller kit interchangeable with Stella 8000's, 10000's and will take upto the Yumeya Stella 16K spool (talking about my 12K here) plus all the SOM kit ...

In hindsight I wish I had stumped up the extra $100 and gone Stella first time round ...

To answer your question - the TW 6000 will not be able to take 8000 size spools upwards - but would be a direct interchange with your Stella 6000 ...

Drag? haven't got a Stella 10K to compare too but I can lock the 12K down so I would suspect more than 14KG ...
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Craig Maree on January 03, 2011, 09:31:40 PM
Thanks for the info Alex.

I see that you have fished the Seychelles, where and when did you go?

I have been fortunate to fish the outer atolls twice truly unbelievable fishing - got to get back there !!

I think I may have just answered the max drag issue - the specs on the Shimreels site appear to be for the old TP (not SW) and the specs on the Shimano Aus site for the new TP SW models - does this sound correct.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Mark Harris on January 03, 2011, 11:25:55 PM
I have a Twinpower SWA 10000 and SW12000 - exactly the the same reel bodies. The SWA series (export) has the nasty orange gold livery that some donut at Shimano thought was a good idea :).  The SW 12000 looks much nicer.

On the spools Craig, I frequently use a SOM No Limits 16000 spool on both and they handle PE8 GT fishing without issue. The largest GT I have landed on this setup was touching 40 kgs and many 20 kgs +.  In my book these are very viable and cheaper alternatives to a Stella 10000.

The 8000, 10000 and 12000 Twinpowers are compatible with Yumeya 12000, SOM 16000, and naturally, Stella 10000 and 8000 spools. The Twinpower 6000 has a different body and is not.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Peter Childs on January 04, 2011, 09:12:31 AM
Craig, in addition to the other posts the Stella and Twinpower 5000 and 6000 accessories are interchangable in the 5000/6000 size range only (same body size).
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Alex Jordan on January 04, 2011, 06:41:46 PM
Craig - I mostly fished out of Denis Island in the far North - good spot but tres expensive!

Good to know Mark - was looking at a couple of spare spools for my 12K ...
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Craig Maree on January 05, 2011, 03:23:09 AM
Thanks for all the info guys.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Arturo Zambarrano Jr. on January 12, 2011, 08:19:21 PM
Would it be worth it to buy a 12000 tp vs. a stella 10000sw???
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Mark Harris on January 12, 2011, 08:46:02 PM
If there is a significant price difference, then I would say yes go for the Twinpower. I have seen situations though where the price in not so very different.

An advantage is that the 12000 size spool makes the reel a viable PE8 popping option. The 10000 is just a bit too small IMO.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Arturo Zambarrano Jr. on January 12, 2011, 09:20:37 PM
Any major difference between the 2, other than price range? Is the retrieve for popping smooth?
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Mark Harris on January 12, 2011, 09:25:23 PM
Key difference is the number of bearings.
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Arturo Zambarrano Jr. on January 12, 2011, 09:31:30 PM
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Alex Jordan on January 12, 2011, 09:55:59 PM
There are major internal differences - read here (

personally I would stump up for the Stella ...
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Sam Colvin on January 12, 2011, 10:24:22 PM
Thanks for that Alex, great link!
Title: Re: Twinpower Specifications Help Please
Post by: Mark Harris on January 13, 2011, 12:53:54 AM
Good link for sure and thanks Alex but how impt do you really think those differences are bar the bearings which are widely known?  Same drag system and same almost everything else in terms of functionality.

Does that warrant a couple of hundred dollars of price difference? 

And the Twinpower 12000 comes with a much better sized spool for GT popping purposes than a Stella 10000.

I have no axe to grind and own various Stellas and Twinpowers. In the 8000 to 12000 size though I reckon I would choose Twinpowers if I needed to and spend the extra money on other gear.