- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

GTPOPPING.COM Sponsors (Historical) => Nomad Sportfishing => Topic started by: Nomad Sportfishing on March 15, 2011, 09:43:12 AM

Title: We're Baaack - Drive Out Trip 14/3
Post by: Nomad Sportfishing on March 15, 2011, 09:43:12 AM
Peter:  well when I woke up this morning I was anticipating the water to be like a lake as predicted by the weather bureau but it wasn't to be. Mother Nature decided to throw wind with heavy rain squalls straight at us. Thankfully it didn't deter the fishing. The morning was firing at the first spot we pulled up at. It seemed like every second cast we were getting a hit, whether it be from a Spanish, gt or a barracuda the action continued for a good half hour. The rest of the day was steady, with getting smacked or busted off from the big fish here or there. All in all a great day out there and can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store.

Nick: Waking up to windy conditions is never a fun start, all that aside we managed to get out and get ourselves fishing early hoping that our determination would pay off. We saw a fair few fish today, more than the previous days but were having bad luck staying tight. We managed to boat one GT for the day and we must have seen around 10 or so and hooked four but lady luck was not there for us today. Instead we decided to go light and managed to have a great time with gold spots, sharkies, mac tuna, rainbow runners and emporers. A hard day in these squalling conditions but "still great to be out here" was the motto for today.

Alex- today did not start as I had hoped, howling winds and misty rain rolling in from the east, not ideal conditions in anyone's books. We braved the elements and took off with as much enthusiasm as we could muster. The light tackle was good early on with gold spots and shark mackerel making up the majority of the catch with a nice trout and some other reefies thrown on. The gts have been weird the last few days the ever reliable fusie schools have produced very little. This afternoon we hit the blue holes on the incoming tide and managed to hook one nice fish only to have it bust us off. Moments later we hooked another and I was not going to lose this critter and after some aggressive driving we boated about a 25kg gt in about a minute and a half.
Let's hope tomorrow brings more big Gts.

Chris: well I'm sure you've already heardthis from the other reports but today's weather wasn't the greatest and I knew I was in for it. Windy conditions make the fishing hard and exhausting. We started off on the hunt for some GTs. The morning was a little slow. Couldn't find any bait. So I decided to move further north to a few spots that hadn't been hit yet. We pulled 3 for the day around the 25kg mark. Saw probably 6 others. Plenty of light tackle for shark mackerel and tuna which filled the day in with a bit more excitement. I hope tomorrow brings a lot better weather