- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: MorganNg on April 24, 2011, 03:54:27 PM
Hi guys,
I am new to popping and i have gotten myself a gipang 72H for light popping in malaysia for sailfish/gt and occasional casting of sinking minnows for spanish macks . I haven got a reel to pair with this rod though. Initially i was looking at a twinpower 8k hg , but since the twinpower 8k and 12k shares the same body , i might as well take the 12k . Or maybe u guys have got other reels to recommend? Any opinions on this?
Hi Morgan ,
My Rompin sailfish popping outfit is a Carpenter BC75MHS mated with Daiwa Z4500 which I prefer over Stella 8000FA due to weight consideration , I use PE5 line for the task and for the past 4 years have been very happy with the combination . I use the same combination for targeting school YFTs up to 25 kg and have caught colateral targets such as tenggiri , mahi-mahi , rainbow runner , etc. in the process . Your choise of which Twinpower should be on weight but there is no reason to buy a Twinpower 12000 and then buy a #8000 spool to go with it for lighter line , in my opinion .
Jon .
weight difference between the Twinpower 8k and 12k is only 20g . i was just wondering if the extra capacity in the 12k spool would make any difference?
Let's put it this way , a little more sometimes save the day . I have been spooled a few times by big fish among the small school I cast into >:( , so I guess Twinpower 12000 wins the nomination
Jon .
I would go for the Twinpower 12000 as it gives you the flexibility of using the reel all the way up to PE8 line.
Hi Morgan
I have a stella 8000sw with a SOM 16000 No limitis spool for sale if you are intererested ?
PM if you would like photos etc
cheers, jaime
since weight is a concern here, would u guys recommend me to get the old twinpower 8000hg instead. it is lighter than the new twinpower sw by 30g.