- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: dan sykes on November 30, 2007, 07:51:41 PM

Title: deep jigging
Post by: dan sykes on November 30, 2007, 07:51:41 PM
I have been going to Fiji a bit lately, I have pretty much got the hang of the GT'S but haven't tried much jigging.  There is a big reef that comes up out  of nowhere, and is REALLY deep.  Scuba divers there tell me that lots of doggies, and spaniards are there.  What kind of jigging method should I try, How deep should i fish.
Title: Re: #########
Post by: Sachin Chaudhry on December 01, 2007, 10:22:15 AM
Hi Dan. I live here in Fiji and we do have our population of big doggies and other reef dwellers as well as GTs.
What particular reef are you talking about?
I can think of Solo, Cakaulekaleka, Mabulica and Chyrbadis off the top of my head where we have either caught reasonable doggies (50kg plus).
These reefs are also wahoo hotspots from June till September.
You can also try jigging off Frigate passage or Sulphur passage which are relatively easy to get to.
Most deep jiggers use knife jigs or jigs like sacrifice sticks depending on preference and conditions. Heavy bucktail jigs work well on most species here as well but you have to use a wire leader and that sometimes decreases hook ups. I have also seen some massive GTs taken on bucktail jigs by guys using heavy handlines to jig.
Raider 200s have also given us our fair share of fish.
Give it a go and see what works I guess.
Hope I have been of some help.
Title: Re: #########
Post by: dan sykes on May 29, 2008, 08:29:07 PM
BULA!! thanks for replying to my question all that time ago.  We were meant to be back in Fiji in March, but my girlfriend, (a scuba diver) broke both of her ankles falling down a set of stairs.  Needless to say she can't dive for a while!  We are coming back in December.  Don't want to give away the name of the place, but it is near Savusavu.  I have never seen another boat there fishing!  Only those stinking filthy longliners!!!  I hate them!! Lots of BIGGT'S to about 40 - 50 kg's. Massive Coral Trout, Red Bass, and the other usual suspects.  Lots of yellowfin, wahoo, Walu as well.  Last year got a 40kg Walu on a popper while casting for GT'S! On my mates homemade popper! Sent a photo!  Anyway, I know the Doggies are there, I've caught one about 15kg's, but the divers tell me there's more down there.  Is it best to jig off the bottom?  Also should i try where the really deep drop offs are, not on the bottom though, it's like 1000 feet deep!Have caught a few Yellowfin jigging but mostly trololing skirts around schools of feeding fish. Also been to the Lau Group.  THE BEST PLACE EVER!  I caught a GT on a stationary popper when i put my rod down for a rest, and the lure was about 20 cm out of the water. BANG!!!  Out jumps a GT and I was on again! You are lucky to live therein Fiji. Hopefully hear from you soon, Vinaka, Dan
Title: Re: #########
Post by: David Noble on May 31, 2008, 10:53:44 PM
Hi Dan,

I agree, Sachin has access to some of the best fishing in the pacific..  I'm a fan of Fiji and hope to get back over there again soon.  I haven't had any success with doggies so can't offer you advice, but seeing that you know where to look, I'm sure you'll cross paths with them soon..
The Lau group is somewhere I'd love to get to also, if Sachin checked his pm's, he'd know what I was talking about..  ::) ::)

Cheers Dave
Title: Re: #########
Post by: Sachin Chaudhry on June 02, 2008, 04:11:52 PM
Dan, I think you may be talking about Chyrbadis which is in the middle of nowhere (between the 2 main islands). I knew a guy that dived there and he used to tell me that some of the dogtooth, GTs and wahoo around that reef defied description.
That been said there have been a lot of good GTs landed over the past few weeks including some over 30kg. I personally got dusted yesterday casting in a lagoon 35 minutes out of Suva by boat. Fish did it very easily. Still better to go without a bite.
I agree with David that we have very accessible and very good fishing both in quantity and quality here in Fiji.
There are some islands in the Lau group and Vanuabalavu in Fiji where the village local divers regard 30kg GTs as "small fish". Got to get there some day.
Wahoo season is here now so with some luck in a couple of weeks I will go casting poppers at wahoo.