- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

GTPOPPING.COM Sponsors (Historical) => Nomad Sportfishing => Topic started by: Nomad Sportfishing on July 25, 2011, 11:08:09 AM

Title: Bugatti Elusive Lagoon Explorer 24 July 2011
Post by: Nomad Sportfishing on July 25, 2011, 11:08:09 AM
Clint: Conditions where ideal this morning and we started the morning with a troll. The action was pretty hot and the rods started bending landing plenty of sharkies and gold spot. As the run in tide started we headed to some isolated reefs looking for GTs. I searched pretty hard to find fish but they still seem to have lock jaw and we only managed to get two. One was on the light tackle which was an exiciting fight. Since the GT action was slow we went back to light tackle and trolling this is where the action was again in the arvo getting some red throat and spangos on soft plastics. On the troll we got a heap more fish and a Spanish to finish which was a nice way to end the day.

Damon: Great weather today, and we fished our way south around Elusive Reef area. The tide was pretty bad in the morning, and we trolled for a few mackerel and gold spot trevally. Once the tide turned and started running in, the fish started biting a little better. Dave landed his first and biggest ever GT at 35kgs on a point, and then followed that straight away with a 25kg GT. We had a monster 50kg fish come and look at a stickbait in a blue hole, but did not bite, and we had a lure torn apart by another large GT on an isolated bommie. The late afternoon saw a great little light tackle session on bludger trevally, shark mackerel and rainbow runners in 2m of water. We trolled our way home and enjoyed feeding a huge groper under Odyssey as the sun set. A very enjoyable day on the water, and looking forward to tomorrow already.

Peter: Awesome conditions out on the water today. I had two guys in the dory and they were both keen to see or catch a big GT so we set out on our quest to find the beast. The GT fishing was tough with high low tides meaning the water wasn't draining off the flats which meant finding them was somewhat more challenging. We managed to see 4 first thing in the morning on an awesome looking shoal that had bait jammed up hard on the edge. But hooking them seemed a little difficult. The rest of the day was spent slugging poppers for little result precision casting is definately needed on days like today. With the boys getting worn out from popping we tried trolling 2 Sebile sinking stick shads through likely looking GT spots and managed to have a pack attack climbing all over the lures. We had a double hook up for about 2 minutes but managed to pop the hooks on both somehow. So we thew the lures into the zone where we saw the pack and we got absolutely blown away again. It wasn't until around 2 o'clock that we raised up another pack and had yet again another double hook up on our hands. But this time our luck changed for the better boating the 1st GT of 14kg followed by the beast that we were looking for that went 45kg weighed. What a cracker of a fish and what a cracker of a day!!