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General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Chris Webster on October 22, 2011, 04:00:34 PM

Title: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Chris Webster on October 22, 2011, 04:00:34 PM
Hi Guys,

Firstly, i am posting this for a friend.

Looking for information on Blue Juice Charters Monte Bello Islands 5 night mothership trips.

Have any of you been on one before?
I know they are an awesome charter on their home turf but curious about the fishing in the Monte's from a mothership that does not have a dory.
Worried it is a bottom bashing trip.

Any feedback or thoughts?

Note: Did also look at Blue Lightening but the available dates are not suitable.

Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Jamie Moir on October 22, 2011, 06:05:48 PM
I know they are an awesome charter on their home turf


They and one notable other are considered "cattle class" for Perth charters.

They suffered the embarassment of proposing deep sea fishing charters during the demersal ban, because their skippers coouldn't read the regs and thought they were going to bag out on ruby snapper (on the ban list) and gemfish (I have never seen one caught in WA).

They have some nightmare code in their website, whatever you do. don't try and visit the fishing charter gallery page in mozilla, it stalled my computer while it contemplated what the designers were trying to do.

Are there really no other charts going?
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Kyle Stacey on October 22, 2011, 07:04:46 PM
If you havent booked yet have a look at blue lightning chaters, I fished 8 days with them last november at the monties and chad is an excellent skipper and knows the monties like the back of his hand. I am off to fish with them again in two weeks for another 8 days. I believe Chad had some of the carpenter boys on a charter a few weeks back which speaks volumes.
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Chris Webster on October 22, 2011, 08:10:13 PM
I know they are an awesome charter on their home turf


They and one notable other are considered "cattle class" for Perth charters.

They suffered the embarassment of proposing deep sea fishing charters during the demersal ban, because their skippers coouldn't read the regs and thought they were going to bag out on ruby snapper (on the ban list) and gemfish (I have never seen one caught in WA).

Hi Jaimie, if blue juice are mnot that great are you able to recommend a good one?

Hi Kyle, wanted blue lightening but could not get the dates i wanted.

Cheers, chris

They have some nightmare code in their website, whatever you do. don't try and visit the fishing charter gallery page in mozilla, it stalled my customer while it contemplated what the designers were trying to do.

Are there really no other charts going?
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Chris Webster on October 22, 2011, 10:14:15 PM
If you havent booked yet have a look at blue lightning chaters.

After much consideration perhaps it is better to change the time of year for s better trip.

I will be calling Blue Lightening again tomorrow.

Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Jamie Moir on October 22, 2011, 10:51:10 PM
I can't really speak about the monties, haven't been there, charter or otherwise.

I know that ( fishes there.

Home turf though? Probably looking at Al Bevan's Shikari for sambos.
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Tim Jeffs on October 26, 2011, 12:27:54 AM
I'd be changing my dates and using Blue Lightning. They would be leading the others as far as popping goes and they have a good sport fishing boat to use rather than everyone fishing off the mothership.

Mahi Mahi comes with great reports but they don't have the small boat option as far as I know.

Montebello Charters is also worth a look as is Apache. ( (

What time of year?
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Chris Webster on October 26, 2011, 07:29:47 AM
Time of year compromised and Blue Lightning trip booked. July 2012.
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Tim Jeffs on October 26, 2011, 10:31:12 AM
good choice. Hopefully the easterlies aren't too strong then
Title: Re: Monte Bello Islands - Worth the trip?
Post by: Chris Webster on October 26, 2011, 10:40:52 AM
We have looked into the winds and it changes year to year.
This July was apparently great but last July was very windy.
The luck of the draw i guess.