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General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Peter Olesen on November 23, 2011, 01:08:27 AM

Title: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Peter Olesen on November 23, 2011, 01:08:27 AM
Hi guys

I have a Stella 18000 for my heavier popping rod. To be able also to have a medium outfit ready when on a trip, I need another reel for my Monster Hunter MH80H  ;D . If I want to fish PE8, would the 10000 SW with 16000 spool be too small for the Monster Hunter? Will it be like paring a rottweiler with a pudel?  :)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Mark Harris on November 23, 2011, 01:14:50 AM
I normally pair my MH80H with an 18000 (PE8) or Dogfight (PE10). However, I have tried it once with a 10000/SOM 16000 (PE8) and it did not feel wrong. I think an 18000 is a better pairing, but with a 10000/16000 is definitely OK.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Peter Olesen on November 23, 2011, 03:44:58 PM
Hi Mark

Thanks a lot for your answer. That is very useful!

Other opinions?

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Fabio Ward on November 23, 2011, 05:52:44 PM
Either reel will be fine, friend of mine bought an 18000sw to match with his MH80 but seems to prefer the outfit when hes got his 10000sw/SOM 16000 on it.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on November 23, 2011, 06:52:57 PM
my sentiments exactly

I normally pair my MH80H with an 18000 (PE8) or Dogfight (PE10). However, I have tried it once with a 10000/SOM 16000 (PE8) and it did not feel wrong. I think an 18000 is a better pairing, but with a 10000/16000 is definitely OK.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Wan Izhan on November 24, 2011, 12:36:58 AM
As for me, i used 18k for MH80H when i still fresh ;).
If with aching arms :'(, i changed to 10k JDM with SOM spool.
I found that reduced weight of ~200g will gave slight advantage during casting. ;D
FYI, my emptied stella 18k JDM = 845g, 10k JDM = 638g and 10k USA = 668g

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Peter Olesen on November 25, 2011, 09:17:09 AM
Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate it.

Based on your opinions, I decided to use the 18000SW with my MH80H and bought a Dogfight for my heavy combo.

Wan - my arms will hurt for sure!  ;D  :-\

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Damian Fantozzi on November 25, 2011, 10:09:28 AM
Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate it.

Based on your opinions, I decided to use the 18000SW with my MH80H and bought a Dogfight for my heavy combo.

Wan - my arms will hurt for sure!  ;D  :-\

For Sure is right!
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Jay Burgess on November 30, 2011, 06:07:54 PM
I normally pair my MH80H with an 18000 (PE8) or Dogfight (PE10).

Based on your opinions, I decided to use the 18000SW with my MH80H and bought a Dogfight for my heavy combo.

Any particular reason you guys are using the Dogfight in preference to the 18000 as a heavier outfit? I'm pretty sure the 18000 has a bigger line capacity therefore would suit PE10 much better (as well as having a more superior drag  8))
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Mark Harris on November 30, 2011, 06:26:01 PM
No real logical reason Jay.

It is just that the Dogfight feels to me like a gruntier reel - I think it is that incredibly robust, one piece handle compared to the relatively intricate Shimano folding handle design.

I know you are being tongue-in-cheek, but an upgraded Dogfight drag is as good as a Stella out of the box  ;).

Somehow I always load my Dogfight with PE10 and 18000 with PE8, but as I said, it is probably no more than perception that makes me do that.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Kelvin Lai on November 30, 2011, 06:37:16 PM
I use my reels the other way round. Pe10 on the Stella 18k w/ 20k spool n pe8 on the Dogfight.
Guess it's juz up to the different angler............... no special reason why.
Both r top reels in their class
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Wan Izhan on November 30, 2011, 07:41:38 PM
dunno why, with the same setup PE8 GT avani and the same rod MH80H, i can cast further the same lure with Stella 18k compared with DF6500. Maybe due to the stella's spool lip design?

p/s emptied stella sw10kxg = 845g, DF6500 = 830g

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on November 30, 2011, 08:42:32 PM
18000 and Dogfight have pretty much identical spool capacities

I normally pair my MH80H with an 18000 (PE8) or Dogfight (PE10).

Based on your opinions, I decided to use the 18000SW with my MH80H and bought a Dogfight for my heavy combo.

Any particular reason you guys are using the Dogfight in preference to the 18000 as a heavier outfit? I'm pretty sure the 18000 has a bigger line capacity therefore would suit PE10 much better (as well as having a more superior drag  8))
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Peter Olesen on November 30, 2011, 09:30:56 PM

p/s emptied stella sw10kxg = 845g, DF6500 = 830g


Hi Izhan

Are you sure about the weight on the 10000 sw? Is it the FA?

By the way - maybe you could a report from your recent trip to New Cal. Saw some nice pics on your blog! :)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Brandon Khoo on November 30, 2011, 09:35:21 PM
the weight of an 08 Stella 10000 be it a JDM XG or an export SW is around 630g.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Mark Harris on November 30, 2011, 09:42:13 PM
dunno why, with the same setup PE8 GT avani and the same rod MH80H, i can cast further the same lure with Stella 18k compared with DF6500. Maybe due to the stella's spool lip design?

p/s emptied stella sw10kxg = 845g, DF6500 = 830g


That can't be correct - a Stella 20000 only weighs that much.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Wan Izhan on December 01, 2011, 02:19:58 AM

p/s emptied stella sw10kxg = 845g, DF6500 = 830g


Hi Izhan

Are you sure about the weight on the 10000 sw? Is it the FA?

By the way - maybe you could a report from your recent trip to New Cal. Saw some nice pics on your blog! :)

Best regards,

opssss my bad typo.  :-*
Stella SW18000XG = 845g
Stela SW10000XG = 638g
Stella 10000SW = 668g
Stella 10000FA = 886g

Currently typing the report in MS words. Will post the report trip soon.
Tomorrow is the LAST LPB group outing. Good luck to Darren, Willie, Marcus and Fendi.
Previous group last week caught YFT 60kg, GTs 55kg, 45kg and 41kg. The one that got away estimated to be 80kg!!!!!!
Hopefully to see their pics in this forum.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Al Morrison on December 01, 2011, 06:19:29 PM

I hope you are wrong about the last LPB group, as i am booked and paid for... my trip is 8th December and i thought we were maybe the last.
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Jay Burgess on December 01, 2011, 06:27:39 PM
18000 and Dogfight have pretty much identical spool capacities

I normally pair my MH80H with an 18000 (PE8) or Dogfight (PE10).

Based on your opinions, I decided to use the 18000SW with my MH80H and bought a Dogfight for my heavy combo.

Any particular reason you guys are using the Dogfight in preference to the 18000 as a heavier outfit? I'm pretty sure the 18000 has a bigger line capacity therefore would suit PE10 much better (as well as having a more superior drag  8))

Sorry Brandon, you are correct  ;D
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Wan Izhan on December 01, 2011, 06:34:18 PM

I hope you are wrong about the last LPB group, as i am booked and paid for... my trip is 8th December and i thought we were maybe the last.

Dear Al,
I also hope i am wrong, since you already booked and paid. Probably my friend miss-quote.
The last time I talked to David LPB, the last trip ~ few weeks before Christmas.
Theforefore, it jives that yours is the last group to fish with LPB.
How's your prep? It's big GT season at North Koumas areas.
Happy fighting!!!!

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Al Morrison on December 01, 2011, 06:37:17 PM
Wan, I hope the prep has been good..... watch this space !! having said that i believe a phone call to David and Rudy might be in order ...... ;)
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Antonino Augugliaro on December 01, 2011, 07:26:59 PM
The one that got away estimated to be 80kg!!!!!!
Hopefully to see their pics in this forum.

Hi Izhan,
Who's the gay that hooked this monster? May be Daniele? I asked him to crush Tokara GT record before his leaving... I need to came and fish in LPB next time :-)
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Mark Harris on December 01, 2011, 08:54:27 PM

Hi Izhan,
Who's the gay that hooked this monster? May be Daniele?

Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Wan Izhan on December 01, 2011, 09:25:46 PM

Hi Izhan,
Who's the gay that hooked this monster? May be Daniele?


autospelling mode "ON"?
Title: Re: Stella 10000SW for Monster Hunter MH80H?
Post by: Antonino Augugliaro on December 01, 2011, 09:29:21 PM
My english!!!!!!! ahahahah  :P
Guy, not gay (even if everyone is free to choose what he prejudice  :))