- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Peter Heinke on December 24, 2011, 12:54:54 PM
Heading up to cape gloucester for a trip next year and was seeing if anyone had throw a few poppers around the area?
Any suggestions on we're to have a crack?
Sorry to drag up an old post. I've not long joined the forum. Thought I'd throw a bit of info in on the off chance I'm not too late, or at the very least to provide something for future reference.
I've done a bit of fishing around that area. The fishing diversity is amazing, especially considering the proximity to where you are.
I'm mostly a reef & estuary fisherman, and just getting into GT popping now so I can't say I've specifically chased them there, however...
The channel over to the island directly in front Of the resort is shallow & when there is a good bit of tide they travel through there. I've picked a 24kg GT up bait there in about 12 ft of water.
If you follow the coastline around the point into where it forms a bay facing north/east there is a patch tall reef on an otherwise sandy bottom. It comes up to within a couple of meters of the surface. It's only a couple of hundred m from the shoreline. I've pulled in a few trevally there before too. It's towards Sinclair bay, about 3nm from the resort.
There is also Middle Island to the NE, and some isolated rocks In the open to the E & ESE of the resort. All are within 3-6nm, so not far. I've grabbed a few big spanyards out there and a few friends have caught very decent trevally out there to.
The north east end of Gloucester island also makes good reef fishing and has plenty of drop offs etc
In summary there are plenty of options and it seems no matter where you go there are fish & crabs.
Actually went up there on the weekend just gone. A lot of rain so didn't spend much time in the boat, but its good weather for crabbing. 40 (that's right) legals on saturday and 6 on Sunday ;D it's a wonderful place!