- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Kosta Psarreas on April 22, 2012, 03:58:56 AM
:) Hi all I'm new to this forum and I must say use all rock well done .
I was looking at buying a GT rod and the rod in question is the yamaga blue reef gt 710/8 .
Has anyone used this rod and if so could u tell me if its a good rod , and are the yamagas the same make
As the ripple fisher ....... :) I am new to gt fishing have seen alot of vids on it and read alot on this forum
Have a read of this (
Thank u Jaime thats very good information and good reading :)
we broke 3!!! brand new BlueReef GT 78/8 this February on the Seychelles.
all three broke right behind the tip guide.
in contrast, no problem at all with the old ATLAS GT 78/8, that had been heavily fished before.
one even landed a 145 cm fork !!! GT in the surf.
Could you describe breaking dynamic? During casting, fighting...
Thanks a lot :)
That is an extremely unusual place for a rod to break, let alone three in the same place. I think there is a reasonable probability the three rods got a hard knock when they were packaged together.
The Blue Reefs have no reported fault like this that I am aware of.
as the rods belonged to different persons, they where of course not packed together while traveling, but they where used by the same person when they broke. we share of course the extra tackle/backup rods when at remote places.
all three broke during casting and the knot used on all three was the PR.
I suspected the knot to be the reason, but how can anybody tell.
maybe just some bad luck or way tooooo much power in the casters arms. ;-)
Felix, I have never heard of a rod breaking when it is being cast - unless what you are trying to cast is way beyond the weight limit of the rod.
i have a blue reef, and have paired it with a stella 10k with 80lb or 100lb power pro - cant remember.
i took it with me to southern Oman, in hope of catching a monster on it. i aimed to use 100-150g lures, and it cast all of these with incredible ease! - the best being the Siren lure, and 120g cubera popper.
i had lent the rod to Saoud our Omani Captain - and he hooked monster, but was unable to stop the beast before it found the reef.. perhaps my fault as i had loosened the drag to protect my new rod! i had another sizable fish hit a lure when i was casting, with probably 3/4 drag and me leaning full weight into it - no issues, until it spat the hook and i met the deck!! and last week, the Captain on a charter in Musandam caught this fish on it:
its now my standard in my arsenal - really enjoy the rod. - just need to catch a good fish on it!! haha
i fish with FG knot, but always have the knot outside the guides when i cast.
and to make those feel better - i broke a Komodo Dragon whilst casting last year... right where the shaft enters the butt piece - Smith graciously replaced it.
Straight out of the delivery tube (December 2011) and the picture shows the result of the second ever cast of this rod.
I was casting a 90gram stickbait.
The walls of the tip were thinner than paper at the break point.
Bad blank batch? maybe?? Asked the supplier but never got a reply.
Won't be buying another and I'm glad I could post this on the back of a fellow fishermans concerns :)
I wouldn't be as surprised as some if there were other people that had experienced similar defects.
That's four which seem to have broken in the same place under casting load. Disturbing to say the least and it does point to bad batch of blanks I guess?
Hi all!
I'm from Yamaga Blanks! For those who have purchased YB rods, there is a 2 year warranty when you purchase them. Try claiming from where you bought them or email me at [email protected] if you have any problems.
Tight Lines!
Richard Foong
Thank you Richard
Guys, can I suggest that for those of you who have had this problem that you take the matter up with the retailer first and then subsequently with Richard if the problem is not resolved.
If you get the chance have a look at the CTS popper pro blanks... I initially bought the Softbait blank (13-17lb) and was quite impressed so decided to get the Jigging blanks in 3 sizes, 150 - 300 - 550...they all have plenty of power and have a very nice action. I then got the 50lb Popper pro to throw sticks for Kingfish back home and have used it in Musandam and Southern Oman...I am just waiting for the 80lb to be built. The 50 is set up for 100-150gm and performs well..casting is excellent...all built by Kieron at Reel rods. :)
hi Brad,
thank you for the picture of your broken rod.
our broken tips looked exactly the same!
as ours where delievered around the same period, I guess it must have been a bad batch, as mentioned by Mark.
of course those things happen, as we are all humans and make mistakes, but it's a shame if you travel to the end of the world, after having waited in anticipation for ages and having spent a fortune.
at least this is another reminder why to bring enough backup tackle and pay for overload. ;-)
Very good to hear that from Richard.
I had no idea that YB had a two year warranty, despite owning more than 1! The retailers and agents selling them really ought to tell their customers.
Thank u all for the responses sorry to hear three Rods broke in very unusual
Circumstances and that's good that there is two years warranty on the rods I'm still looking at buying one anyways for my next ? Are they in the same par as there premium brand ripple fisher (Henry I'll take a look at those gt rods as well thanks ) :-)
Are these blue reef 7'10" rods for stckbait, chugger or inbetween?
they are essentially a stickbait rod
Are these blue reef 7'10" rods for stckbait, chugger or inbetween?
Apparently the retailer were I was looking at them said they are a good allround rod for both sticks and pop's
Within there rated gram Weight range
Hi Guys,
Blue Reef 710/8 & 710/10 are meant for stickbait but you can use chuggers with small cup face up to 150gms effectively.
Blue Reef 76/6 & 78/8 are meant for heavy chuggers.
Just for your info, i got the factory to do a blank test on the tip and they found no problems with the tip. Here is the photo of the test!
As for those who have broken their tips, i would apreciate if you could send me the broken tip or rod and i will it analysed.
;) thanks for that info Richard much appreciated will be looking at getting the YB , as a starter rod :D