- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Wong Kai Zhee on March 18, 2008, 04:41:11 AM
most of the 6 anglers on this trip had never fished with each other before. actually, i personally didnt see 2 of the gang till the day of departure.
luckily, the group turned out shitty enough. really, there is little fun spending 7 full days and nights with ppl who are too decent.
when we touched down in Male, relatively strong wind was felt. not a good sign :(.
after a nite's rest, the safari boat set sail. the sea was rough but still tolerable in Male atoll. but after entering the channel, i was breaking cold sweat, spent the majority of the time on the sofa, and missed lunch. doubts began to surface. did i work hard, made sacrifices to come to suffer? such is the irony of life.
popping was poor. we persisted, popped in some of the most beautify and fishy terrain and only had half hearted strikes and actions from smallish GTs.
jigging was another story. the action was consistant. but most of the bigger fish managed to elude us after brief fights, either from busted leaders or dropped hooks. i lost my Skill Jig. ouch!
i was using a Calstar 7465XL (20-50lb). however, i found it quite user unfriendly. had a hard time keepin it loaded when hookup. spend most of my time desperately winding. dropped tons of fish.
on the other hand, those using dedicated jigging outfits like JiggingMaster and Smith also had their share of lost fish.
one thing i noticed was that while the bigger fish kept getting dropped off the hooks, the smaller ones were surfacing with badly torn jaws, mostly hanging on only by thin flaps of skin.
guess we had problems making the SJ41s stick on bigger fish, while they tore up the smaller fish badly.
the bad weather prevented us from fishing the more productive outer reef much. but on days when we did (on the 12 and 13th, everything cleared), the jiggin was exceptional. not that we hooked any monster. sadly, poppin sucks, outer reef or not.
just when we thought everything is going to be plain sailing, the weather turned against us. on the 2nd last day, wall after wall of storm clouds formed. the captain made a dash for the harbor. very strong wind was experienced. we started to worry about missing our flight, as there was still a channel to cross.
luckily, the captain gave the "GO" signal on the 15th morning.
frankly, we didnt hook that many fish. but we also lost count by the 2nd day.
biggest GT was 22kg, grouper 17kg, dogtooth 9kg - all by the same guy. really irritating fellow ;D.
my "best" was a red bass and long nose emperor, both 7 kg on my PE2 jigging outfit.
the 6 of us perhaps popped about 20 plus 30 GT this time, a far cry from my 2004 trip, when 4 anglers popped 188 fish.
at Male harbor, we saw tons of GTs being downloaded. some very huge YFTs too. one look like a 200 pounder. actually, i dunno, but i weigh 180 lb and it look fatter than me.
perhaps the poor catch can be attributed to weather, perhaps to over-fishing. but i guess the catch rate can only go down, considering there are more mouth to feed on planet earth.
Nice report! Too bad is didn't fare better. But it's always nice to be out on the water! ;D
according to the Captain, fishing in Maldives has been very slow for the past 3 years. also, the unpredictable weather didnt help either.
however, with the world wide price hike, its getting more expensive to travel to fish.
6 of us spent sin$ 2000 (absolute gross, all inclusive) for this trip.
really, a budget of sin$2k has very very limited options. most of Australia (even Indonesia) will bust it.
so, my group still cant rule out Maldives. on the other hand, charter fees is going up 25% next year.
so, maybe if the big fish are far and few in between, maybe we will plan an exclusive PE 2 trip.
then again, according to Murphy's Law, we will all hook big fish and be wiped out.
I think the quality of the fishing may have something to do with the fact that you saw tonnes of GTs being unloaded at the harbour. What fishery can handle that type of fishing pressure?
the pic shows GTs and YFT being unloaded.
such is the irony. limited resource, unlimited wants and needs.
we anglers want the fish for fun, commercial fishermen want fish to feed their family.
and we, anglers also buy fresh and canned fish for consumption (althought we took great care to release those we caught).
i really don't know what to say >:( :( :o ??? ::).
Shame about the results. If the fishing has been slow for 3 years, then it's not seasonal, it's just overfished. Awful to see such large quantities of sportfish being ripped out of a place.
I hope it's a long time before we get desperate enough to eat GT's in Australia.
In defence of the Maldives they do only allow fishing with lines there so they can be slightly selective. I agree that its sad to see these fish dead on the dock but what I saw in the Southern Atolls was some of the most fish rich water I'd ever experienced and I think the "No Net" policy is fundamental in ensuring survival of juveniles etc..
I think of places in Africa where they allow the wholesale use of nets and you simply don't see ANY sizeable fish inshore.
Shame about the results. If the fishing has been slow for 3 years, then it's not seasonal, it's just overfished. Awful to see such large quantities of sportfish being ripped out of a place.
I hope it's a long time before we get desperate enough to eat GT's in Australia.
Maldivians dun eat GTs out of desperation.
Red bass and big eye jacks are their favourite.