- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Extreme Jigging: Dogtooth Tuna, Yellowtail Kingfish (Hiramasa), Amberjack, Samson Fish => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Tommy Du on November 14, 2012, 09:20:28 PM
Hi guys
I'm new to the site and am based out of Syndey not much of a fishing haven unless the tuna and baby kings are on the run. Any way recently I have been trolling sites in the USA finding that alot of guys are using copied jigs . So I found some on eBay from a guy in Sydney and they look fairly good for a 1/3 of the price. Still yet to test them but was just wondering if any one here has used any
Thanks tom
Hi Tommy and welcome to the site...
I certainly pass no judgement on anyone that may wish to buy a copied product, however, given this subject matter - you may find very few responses.
The topwater popping, stickbaiting and jigging scene is one of the most innovative and cutting-edge fishing sectors out there in terms of product investment and development. The problem is, it is also one of the most commonly targeted sectors for copies and exploitation. This really rubs me the wrong way and is totally against the values and proposition that this site presents.
I find this problem is more to do with actual characters that manufacture the copied products rather than secondary, the consumer.
Perhaps, a better way to start the topic may to ask members of "cost effective" lures/jigs on a budget or that are simply good value.
Sorry Luke
I have meet you before this year when the Bermi run was on I totally understand what you are saying and I agree that the companies doing the copying are not
Doing the real manufactures any favour . I am sorry if this post has offended you
Sorry Luke
I have meet you before this year when the Bermi run was on I totally understand what you are saying and I agree that the companies doing the copying are not
Doing the real manufactures any favour . I am sorry if this post has offended you
No offense. Telling it how it is.
Jigs might work, maybe the finish won't be durable. Copied stick bait could be less successful. It needs fine tuning to swim the right way.
As for finish on original jigs I find agree with I bought plenty of labos and yes they look good but durability I'd the worst of any jig I have used .
Just copying the shape of famous jig won't make it work like the original in some (or may be most) cases. It is not just a shaped piece of lead. For example, break Shout jig like Slide Actor or Stay and see the alloy it is made of. I do not think the copied Slide Actor will work like original if made of regular metal or lead...
Very interesting point , I contacted guy I bought them of here in Sydney and had a good chat to him on his thoughts . He is Chinese and obviously he gets them made back in china some where . He told me that some original manufactors who say jigs are made in Japan are actually made in china ,just package in Japan and sold to us as jap made. He said most jigs are made from recycled metals and that Japan would not do this process as it has strict environmental policies. Now just waiting to he'd up to qld in Christmas and test them
Out will put up report after trip
I think where a jig is manufactured is not really relevant. Rather, it's the research and development, design, and general quality of build/finish which is compromised by purchasing copies.
Copies are problem even in low cost economies. Here in Indonesia for example, there are excellent quality original jigs designed and made locally which retail for about $10 per piece. They still get copied and sold at about $6.
Very interesting point , I contacted guy I bought them of here in Sydney and had a good chat to him on his thoughts . He is Chinese and obviously he gets them made back in china some where . He told me that some original manufactors who say jigs are made in Japan are actually made in china ,just package in Japan and sold to us as jap made. He said most jigs are made from recycled metals and that Japan would not do this process as it has strict environmental policies. Now just waiting to he'd up to qld in Christmas and test them
Out will put up report after trip
Irrespective...I've been informed that you actually sell these kind of jigs on eBay? Is this fact or fiction?
What is your agenda with this whole topic?
Very interesting point , I contacted guy I bought them of here in Sydney and had a good chat to him on his thoughts . He is Chinese and obviously he gets them made back in china some where . He told me that some original manufactors who say jigs are made in Japan are actually made in china ,just package in Japan and sold to us as jap made. He said most jigs are made from recycled metals and that Japan would not do this process as it has strict environmental policies. Now just waiting to he'd up to qld in Christmas and test them
Out will put up report after trip
Irrespective...I've been informed that you actually sell these kind of jigs on eBay? Is this fact or fiction?
What is your agenda with this whole topic?
Pm sent but I do not sell jigs on eBay.
I think where a jig is manufactured is not really relevant. Rather, it's the research and development, design, and general quality of build/finish which is compromised by purchasing copies.
Copies are problem even in low cost economies. Here in Indonesia for example, there are excellent quality original jigs designed and made locally which retail for about $10 per piece. They still get copied and sold at about $6.
Mark you definitely have a point how ever if I am buying something that says made in Japan that's what I wish to receive.
If there are jigs which specifically state that they are "Made in Japan" and they are not, then I would imagine all sorts of laws are being broken. Do you have specific brand examples?
That being said, I think any product should live and die by its quality, and not where it is manufactured.
Mark you are spot on ... As for examples I don't know the exact brands but have been told buy a few people same thing after they went to tackle trade show
The laws around this are vague to say the least and it varies from country to country. In some countries, simply adding one component to a product entitles it to be stated to be locally produced. In others, it is absed on a percentage (God knows how they work it out) and in others again, if it is packaged locally, it can claim to be produced there.
I wouldn't place too much emphasis on it. All of that said, place of production is in my view irrelevant. It is the quality of the product.
If there are jigs which specifically state that they are "Made in Japan" and they are not, then I would imagine all sorts of laws are being broken. Do you have specific brand examples?
That being said, I think any product should live and die by its quality, and not where it is manufactured.
One of my favorite jigs was a brand called Jigs Ace. The paintwork used to come off quite easily but it never seemed to have any impact on its fish-catching ability.