- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: David Lorenzato on November 23, 2012, 10:34:41 PM
Hey Guys, just returned from a two day trip in Vanuatu on OceanBlue's 32 foot Edgewater, popping and jigging the amazing waters that surround the northern areas of the island of Efate.
With some super strong winds causing grief, the first day was spent fishing some calmer protected waters which resulted in a nice Coral Trout and a Trevally that I'm having trouble identifying.
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Day two arrived and i was glad to see the wind had eased a little. We began our journey out to a seamount to try our luck at jigging Doggies. After leaving the sheltered waters that were protected by the islands, we were confronted by a very big, angry sea. With the wind still blowing strong and a hefty swell i became an instant human burley maching, only stopping while jigging and then starting again with every boat repositioning. After a short time jigging the decision was made to go and pop the much calmer waters to see if we can find some GT's.
Feeling better to be back in sheltered waters, It was time to get casting. The area we fished was a reefy area with many isolated bommies which led to a deep channel in between islands.
It only took a few casts to tempt this 40kg beast out from its reefy lair.
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Awesome way to open the account and already beaten my existing personal best by a few kg's.
We slowly powered further down the reef where i casted toward a group of bommies that looked very fishy, a GT that can only be described as unstopable steam trained with my favourite wahoo gt3 popper straight into the shallows shredding my line on one the jagged bommies. We got a glimpse of this fish when it grabbed the popper and it was huge.
We restarted the run down the reef again and half way down i picked up this little guy that punched well above his weight and put up a great fight.
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As we were reaching the end of the reef i noticed a large amount of nervous bait, so a cast was made right into the middle and after two pops it was annihilated by a massive GT. With deep water all around it was a grinding battle lifting the big fish inch by inch until it was boatside. Another PB, over 50kg of pure beauty.
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Some quick photos and a speedy release it was high five all around and the perfect way to end a great days fishing.
It was great to have a day by day charter option in a family friendly environment so close to home. I would like to take this chance to thank David and Andrea from OceanBlue for making this trip so memorable.
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Great Report David!!
Thats what I call a Bludger Trevalley - on jig I assume?
thats a great GT - nice and Fat!
those poppers definitely earned there stripes!!
looks like you did better then us in one day then we did in 4 days mate well done
Well done David - some very nice fish there. The GT on the final pics is a very big fish.
I think the first trevally is a Yellow Dot. It might be a Bludger though... have trouble with those two.
Cracker photos Dav to go with some beaut fish,Luke on one of his trips to Oman had caught the same species as that fish but was a horse...
Yes Nathan - there are a LOT of those in Oman. If you hit a school it is spectacular. We caught dozens of them!
very nicely done Dave
Congrats Dave awesome fish!
Very Nice Dave,
I went the week after you were there (just back) and had a sensational time also.
Will post report soon.
Awesome fish you encoutered. 8)
Thanks for the kind words guys. The gt's were seriously on the chew on that day. It was a crazy few hours.
Pete-I hope the wind was kind for you guys? I believe the group that was straight after me were in for some strong winds all week.
hey dave i left the day you got there you sat down as we where having breakfast as you departed glad you got some good fish as we really struggled and did not get one gt all 4 days
Thanks for the kind words guys. The gt's were seriously on the chew on that day. It was a crazy few hours.
Pete-I hope the wind was kind for you guys? I believe the group that was straight after me were in for some strong winds all week.
We had some strange weatehr minute sun out and boiling hot,next overcast and raining.
It blew up about 40knots one afternoon but dropped out..
It doesnt really matter over there as there is always somewhere sheltered amongst the islands.
Hi Jason, I do remember meeting you. Crazy thing about it was I really wanted a doggie, but who's going to complain about a gt that size. Guess you gotta find what's biting on the day.
Pete-looking forward to your report.
Dang - some nice fish guys!
I wish I could just pop to Vanuatu for 2 days fishing!!!
Hi David,
No doggies but what a GT session...
Great shots and glad all went, good outcome considering this was supposed to be a holiday for your wife!
Cheers Dave