- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Mark Bantich on November 24, 2012, 02:05:34 PM
Hi folks, does anyone know who still stocks spare spools for the Maverick 6500H?
Hi mark,
You might have to chase a dogfight or expedition spool. The maverick was Australian market only so you would have to buy it directly from daiwa. Som make a aftermarket spool for them which I've seen advertised at the right price.
Thanks Chris, much appreciated. Mark
I had the same issue a few months ago. I rang Daiwa Australia service dept. I assume that you are in Aus. They didn't have any Maverick spools left but I got a dogfight spool from them for $90 bucks. The invoice showed that it was 1/2 price. I guess that they are getting rid of them now that the new models have come out.
I think that was a pretty good price and Daiwa were really helpful. I cant guarantee that you will get the same price but give it a go. Not that it really matters but the dogfight spool looks ok on the maverick body too.
Hi guys,
I recently ordered a old model dogfight spool from Daiwa Australia and according to my local tackleshop there was only one left in stock.Hasn't turned up yet so hopefully it does,ordered it over a week ago too.Just done the carbontex upgrade on the original spool and is so much tougher,also grease impregnated with Cals,very nice improvement.
It isn't advertised by Daiwa, but the new model Saltiga Spools fit the the old model Saltigas.
I bought a RCS6500 spool for my Z6000GT to increase line capacity and it fits perfectly. The only difference is a teflon washer on the top of the drag stack, which I assume is to reduce heat transfer to the drag knob.
Pah !, you've now let the spirits could you !.
Aw c'mon big fella...........let the spirits be free, it can only be a good thing for all. ;D