- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Lars Nielsen on December 06, 2012, 01:57:45 AM
On Christmas day, December 25th, a short popping movie by the name of Far out - Popping the Laccadives will premiere on YouTube.
Check out the trailer here ( Hope you enjoy it. :)
Brilliant Lars.
Epic surface strikes thanks for sharing.
Great trailer, looking forward for the full movie
But the end of the world is before then :-)
If I make it I will go straight to youtube instead of opening the pressies
cant wait!!! looks great
That very first surface strike is a ripper. 8)
Nice footage guys.
Absolutely awesome. Great stuff.
love the quote at the start!
Its christmas but I couldn't find the Movie. I want to watch it, it looks awesome!! ;D
I'm hanging out for this too
remember the time difference. Here in denmark, it is not even mitnight yet
I thought that was the case just excited to see it as the trailer was well done.
The video is up, just starting to watch now
Good one lads, well worth the wait.
Very well put together Lars. Some of the footage of takes is quite superb.
Congratulations to everyone involved.
Top quality production Lars - I like it alot!
Had a couple of emails from Thomas when i saw the trailer. had me itching already ,, now the full clip is out this one has moved to the top of my bucket list ( sorry Amazon you have been moved down 1 slot ) , awesome stuff Lars,, !!!
Thanks a lot, guys! I am really happy you like it! :)
I would say Laccadives is a amazing destination for a newbie or anyone who needs a popping success. :) We caught many more midsized fish than what you see in the movie, and the GT there are somehow very friendly - they don't tend to reef you so much.
We hope to be able to make short movies like this one in other destinations in the future.
Here is the URL once more: (
That is outright awsme production well done!!!
That was greatly satisfying! Awesome work for you and your crew. My favorite part is when the local guys are sleeping on the boat while you were fighting the big one, haha!!!
Wow! Lars, awesome video. Some familiar local faces there :)
Just heard about this vid today and I watched it on my tv, the strikes were beautiful in HD! Just awesome
Fantastic footage! Sensational strikes and pervayed the travel very well. Congrats on a great production!