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General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Mahmoud Salem on February 20, 2013, 10:47:04 PM

Title: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Mahmoud Salem on February 20, 2013, 10:47:04 PM
Hi all
I noticed that-in some of the reports-king Mackerel attack top water lures, mostly stickbaits
Do you recommend certain lure for them, and if targeting these is there a special place to look/pop or it all comes by luck while popping for GTs

Title: Re: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Brandon Khoo on February 20, 2013, 10:53:58 PM
They love biting off Gammas and Sea Frogs  :'(
The more expensive, the better!
Title: Re: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Aaron Concord on February 23, 2013, 09:04:59 PM

As Brandon mentioned, they love to bite off expensive lures!
Most people here on this site will call king mackerel a by-catch of GT fishing, since, most do not want the mackerel in the first place!
The spanish mackerel we get in Australia are almost identical to king mackerel and they certainly love stick baits. I'd use slightly smaller stick baits purely to get a better hook coverage. Big mackerel love big stick baits though they can chomp large areas of wood or plastic without hooking up, so slightly smaller stick baits (with some piano wire rigged in front of the lure to prevent bite-offs) would be a start.
I find the mackerel like areas of large bombies and reefs that disturb the current flow. Also cast around shoals of bait. We do get fusiliers here and when they are around, the mackerel, plus everything else, love to eat them!

Title: Re: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Mark Harris on February 23, 2013, 10:20:31 PM
For what it is worth (I am sure very little) Macks always seem to attack me when I am using green lures!  Almost certainly just co-incidence but it seems to happen often.
Title: Re: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Travis Heaps on February 24, 2013, 07:09:34 AM
I love getting onto a spano when out popping, great eating fish - it means i get to poP all day and bring home a feed!  Only tip i have is They have a habit of doing a lightning quick first attack, then come back to get their disabled prey. I've had one launch three metres out of the air with the lure in its mouth, drop it, do a 180 then 5 seconds later boom 3m out of the air from the other direction with lure in its mouth, missed both times! Lesson being if one strikes and misses, keep twitching the lure, don't just stop out of disappointment!
Title: Re: top water lure recommendations for king Mackerel
Post by: Jon Li on February 24, 2013, 05:06:11 PM
When narrow barred mackerels are prolific , it's best to lower the drag setting n yes it's exciting to see the fish airborne upon strike , too high a drag will result in tearing off n lose the fish . The hit anything moving but sub surface lures would be my choise with short wire leader to prevent cut off just in front of the eyelet .

Jon .