- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Elliott Bell on October 07, 2013, 07:44:58 PM

Title: Northwest island.
Post by: Elliott Bell on October 07, 2013, 07:44:58 PM
Have planned a trip to Northwest Island in the capricornia cays for just over 2 weeks in December.
Did the same trip last year how ever did not spend much time at all Topwater fishing so this year im going to spend as much time as i can.
i have geared up with some semi light popping gear running 92lb saltiga braid.
i will be throwing mainly 120gram poppers and stickbaits.
Has any one fished topwater here before? If so what have you caught?
would be good to get stuck into some GTs but anything would be good, trout, red bass ect.
does the reef drop off just out the front produce any good fish? i will be taking a 4.2m tinnie with a 40hp on the back and will be hopping for some good weather and trying to get as far as i can away from out the front as it gets fished a fair bit by the campers ect.
Have tried doing some research on the island but cant find anything about any Gs
Any info would be great.

i have added a image of the island and the reef edge around the island, along with the green zones i have added.

Thanks heaps.
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on October 08, 2013, 09:00:10 AM
Hi Elliot,

Thanks for posting here.

The whole area holds GTs, although I have no experience with Northwest.

All reef edges are worth a shot depending on where the current/tide is hitting. I would be heading to Fitzroy reef, however, that is a bit far in a 40hp tinnie!

There are some nice shoals and pinnacles on the shelf but you will need to do some hard work to find them. I'd be looking for 60 - 100m for Amberjack.

Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Elliott Bell on October 08, 2013, 04:03:28 PM
Cheers for the reply luke.
Yeah i have to agree with you, bit to far for my boat.
From memory last year, the drop off went from roughly 10m to 35-40 from the edge of the inner reef.
will i have better luck sounding around the deep water trying to find pinnacles and working them? or working the reef edge furthest away from the island i can get on the day?
i know it is hard to say as you said the whole area holds GTs just want to have the best shot i can at boating one!

Thanks for the info!

Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Graham Scott on October 08, 2013, 07:33:14 PM
Hi Elliot,
I fish inshore from Northwest for GT's..mainly around the Keppel Islands. The problem with big GTs out that way is that everywhere is a bit like everywhere else, so it's hard to find a fish holding feature. In general I would look along the southern side midway down the reef, that seems to be the deepest drop offs.

We are too far south for red bass, but there are still plenty of top water targets. As a suggestion you might have a lot of fun on a lighter popping rig, say pe3 with 100 to 150 mm poppers andsomesebile stick shads. There are heaps of smaller trevally species and reef fish in the shallows, even inside the lagoon in the very shallow water, your rig would be perfect. It's more like flats fishing than typical gts. I spent most holidays as a kid next door at Tryon Island before it was rezoned to green. The very shallow fishing is underrated, even catch some of them funny looking whiting (bonefish).
I am not aware of any deeper shoal near Northwest that is steep enough to hold GTs. West end of Douglas Shoal or Johnson Patch hold Pelagics.
Unfortunately Northwest has been hammered by the  fillet and release crew. However since trevally are of little interest to the freezer stocks the light gear fishing is still good ( as far as I am aware)....still a magic spot, just wish you could not hear generators in the middle of the night.
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Elliott Bell on October 08, 2013, 07:55:17 PM
Cheers for the info!
Gives me a better understanding on what im in for.
Thats a bummer about the GTs ill deffs still give it a fair few hours of popping.

Think i might look at getting some smaller stick baits for working on a lighter setup in the shallows as I'm planning on getting a Daiwa chilli dog and running 30lb for tuna in brisbane where i fish more often, which will be fine for the light topwater up there.
yeah the south side was where i was planning on hitting up, didn't get that far last year.
From what i know generators are now banned on the island?

Fish or no Fish its going to be a insane trip!

Thanks again Graham!
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Scott Findlater on October 08, 2013, 08:59:36 PM
This guy would be worth a phone call and I am sure he could point you in the right direction. I would venture to say that no one knows Gladstone like this guy and he is a dead set freak of a fisherman.
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Dan Kaggelis on October 09, 2013, 07:16:29 PM
I would second what Scott says heavily, I get this guys facebook feeds and he gets onto some top GT
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on October 09, 2013, 07:34:46 PM

I definitely know of 30kg GTs caught at Fitzroy on topwater. So they can be around at the right times!

Ive personally caught Red Bass even further south, but they certainly won't be common.

Definitely have a chat with Johnny. I've spoken to him a few times on some potential initiatives for the future.

Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Doug Lindsay on October 13, 2013, 02:42:39 PM
Agree with Luke on both accounts: there are some good GTS around Fitzroy, and Red Bass. We got a couple of really nice Bass popping around lady Musgrave 4 years ago.
Great part of the world you're talking about, hope you have a great trip!
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Luke Wyrsta on November 20, 2013, 02:34:29 PM
Elliot, how is your planning going?

I will be trying to get up that way in December.
Title: Re: Northwest island.
Post by: Elliott Bell on November 25, 2013, 09:58:41 PM
Hey mate, just been going through everything the last couple of days and making sure all is well with the boat/ gear.
still have to stock up on poppers and stickbaits this week!
ended up buying a PE3 setup for some lighter gear aswell. PE 2-4 majorcraft 7'6 matched with a 4000 daiwa sol II and running PE 3 ATC braid mainly for throwing smaller stickbaits really.
just hoping for good weather really, fish would be nice too!

where are you planning on heading?