- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: CliffKhoo on October 29, 2013, 04:08:06 PM
As topic, it happens when I cast a popper or swimbait out wit h my TBL 83/32. There will be a loud sound as if my lines were tangled with the guides. But in actual fact, no lines were tangled. Any of you guys encountered that before? Anyway im using 65lbs jerry brown with 130 fisherman shock leader.
Does the rod have K guides? As they are noisier.
Cheers Dave
K-Guides are way noisier. It is most annoying!
not sure this rod has K-Guides though?
Cliff is this rod making an especially loud noise compared to others? With a strongly loaded popper cast, there is always some noise.
Too long a knot , I suspect . Those who are using bobbin when making PR knot have the misguided idea that the longer the knot , the better it is . Long knot hitting the guide not only reduce casting distance , it also cause the rod to slowly loosen from the butt joint and eventually the rod flies off from the handle .
Jon .
Thank you everyone for the response. Yes it happens when a hard cast was made. Regarding the pr knot. Im using about 3 cm . Is it too long? The sound is very loud. But im still getting the same distance with other rods.
Anyway what causes K guides to be noiser? Is it normal?
I have the very same rod.
Had to shorten my mono leader to where the PR knot lies just outside the bail arm to reduce the "slapping" of the knot on the rod.
Now that I use pull-on leaders, the problem seem to have disappeared.
K-Guides are just noisier due to the way the line passes through them... different to a more traditional guide.
K-Guides are just noisier due to the way the line passes through them... different to a more traditional guide.
Noise are caused by line hitting the guides , hence reduced casting distance as energy wasted .
Jon .
Thank you for all your inputs. It seems I can try a shorter leader and making a shorter pr knot
How long is your leader at the moment?
I hate knots passing inn the guides. Scares me all the time.
How long is your leader at the moment?
I hate knots passing inn the guides. Scares me all the time.
Im using 2 rounds around the spool and out. Yes! I scares me a lot too, whenever a cast was made, I will be hoping the leader and knot will clear the guides.
I'm really wondering what's the point of K-guides, i actually still get wind-knots and poorer distance on them. They seem to be smaller in diameter as well. Anyone with the same experience?