- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Travis Heaps on June 11, 2008, 06:38:50 PM
anyone else having trouble with the site the last few days? Slow loading times and sometimes pages not coming up at all?
Yeah, thanks Travis, I thought it was just me :-\
Same here, however its a little better tonight ???
yep, a bit slooooooooooowwwwwwww for me too today.
i think i am on both speed :-\... slow then fast then slow then fast that,s stranger ?? sorry can,t help you ya ??? ::)
Site has been slow for me the last couple weeks. Its not my connection everything else is fine.
thought you guys were on africa time ,so not going mad
cheers mark
Dunno if something was fixed but the site has been awesome today.
Guys, there has been a bit of a glitch over the past few days that impacts on the site but it actually not a problem with the site itself.
Please understand that Luke needs to find the time to deal with these problems that arise from time to time. As many of you would be aware, he doesn't earn a red cent from providing this site for our enjoyment and has to earn a living like the rest of us to pay for the hosting fees.
It's easy for us all to visit and expect that the site will always be here but he is paying for its hosting and ongoing maintenance.
No need to launch into typical diatribe Brandon. We were simply wondering if it was the same for everyone.
Everyone appreciates that Luke does a great job and not a single person mentioned otherwise until you bought it up...
"typical diatribe" Travis?
Would you please be so kind as to remind me of my other posts which you have classified as diatribe?
Not that you deserve an explanation but for the information of others - every time the site goes down for a period, I get e-mails from people chasing up what has gone wrong. I am simply advising people of the facts.
Site is much much faster now its back online.
yea a long weekend woking on this site .. well done luke . so enjoy it boy,s