- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

General => General Topwater & Jigging Discussion => Topic started by: Greg Burt on July 07, 2008, 07:51:54 AM

Title: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Greg Burt on July 07, 2008, 07:51:54 AM
Just picked up the latest edition of Blue Water mag, the 1st thing that hit me was a GT on the cover with a smiling Malcolm Crane, you can't actually see him smiling but he would have been  ;D. Damon has put in an article under the heading of 'GT University' with heaps of where to's and what for's as well of heaps of pics taken from Bugatti and our latest trip to Marion. Josh and Brandon are in some pics, as well as Brandon contributing along with Damon, Ed the guide, Hal Harvey and Tim Simpson.
 Worth a look for shore.

PS: Damons shot of Brandon casting out of the Contender is the closest pic I have seen of the true colouration we where surrounded with when fishing the 'Blue Holes', I am presently using a pic from the same set as my PC background.
PPS: Notice the 'B' team on the coral/sand in background ::)
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Jay Burgess on July 08, 2008, 11:41:48 AM
Cheers for the heads up Greg, will be sure to pick it up.
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Dan on July 09, 2008, 07:17:53 PM
'B' team you say- i thought we were better known as Team Deviant...??   ;D ::) :D
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Greg Burt on July 09, 2008, 10:41:27 PM
They couldn't mention Team 'D' as it is a clean Magazine :o ;D
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Daniel Latif on July 09, 2008, 10:54:47 PM
Yep I subscribe to Bluewater and thats the 3rd article from Nomad in the last couple of years.  That photo with Brandon looks awesome and the article is very helpful in tips of how to find and where to fish for GT's.

Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Jay Burgess on July 09, 2008, 11:04:35 PM
What were the other two Daniel?
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Daniel Latif on July 10, 2008, 01:27:53 AM
Jay.  These were the other two:

Issue 53 - Feb/Mar 06 - Article name 'Into the Dogpound' - Tim Simpson - basically a trip report with some tackle notes.

Issue 59 - Feb/Mar 07 - Article name 'Wahoo Frenzy' - Scott Bannerot and Damon Olsen - another trip report with hot wahoo fishing + tricks and techniques.

Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Brandon Khoo on July 10, 2008, 08:19:45 AM
'B' team you say- i thought we were better known as Team Deviant...??   ;D ::) :D

How good would it have been if the article quoted "Note: Team Deviant on the beach having a break"   :D

We're getting all these teams coming out of Nomad trips. For Marion, we had Team Deviant and at Bugatti, we had Team Lesbian   ;D  Unfortunately, I was a memeber of Team Lesbian   :'(
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Greg Burt on July 10, 2008, 09:47:03 AM
I'm to scared to ask about that Bugatti one :o

The 'Team Deviants daily' meeting
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Sam Walker on July 16, 2008, 03:44:59 AM
Hi all, I just got the latest issue the other day and noticed they twisted leader instructions are not right - they say to twist AFTER folding the leader in half...that'll frustrate a few people trying it out ! Good mag though, some fantastic quality photos every issue. Keeps me going until next billfish season  :P

Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Stephen Polzin on July 16, 2008, 09:24:58 AM
Yeah I noticed that too Sam.  Didn't sound right unless there is some other way.
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Brandon Khoo on July 16, 2008, 11:46:51 AM
Aaron Concord who wrote the article is a member here. Perhaps he can clarify
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Mick Cunningham on July 16, 2008, 12:53:27 PM
i just grab one ....  ::)

yeah i did saw Aaron who wrote the article
just one page before the gt article .

i got to read it again .  ;D

thank,s greg for letting us know  ;)
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Dan on July 17, 2008, 08:35:28 PM
'B' team you say- i thought we were better known as Team Deviant...??   ;D ::) :D

How good would it have been if the article quoted "Note: Team Deviant on the beach having a break"   :D

We're getting all these teams coming out of Nomad trips. For Marion, we had Team Deviant and at Bugatti, we had Team Lesbian   ;D  Unfortunately, I was a memeber of Team Lesbian   :'(

Would've been funnier if they mentioned 'Theres Team Deviant on the beach having a break- and look, they're all naked....'  :o ;D

Team Lesbian eh Brandon? Did that name come about cos ya kept getting your panties in a bunch every time you lost a GT??   :D
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Aaron Concord on July 21, 2008, 05:54:33 PM
Hi All,

There is confusion over the twisty leader instructions?

I grab 4m of mono & fold it in half...this creates the 'loop' to join the line to your double.
It is also the starting end from where your twists originate from.
I use this loop, placed over the hook in a drill chuck as the basis for the twisted leader....have one guy running the RPM's on the drill and another holding the flailing strands apart as the twists are formed.

I hope that clarifies the info written.


Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Travis Heaps on July 22, 2008, 12:09:43 PM
Gday Aaron, i think that is the way people interpreted it from what was written in the mag - it's just not the way a lot of people on here do it.  I personally think, no offence intended at all, the twists in the leader in the article didn't look tight enough - and I don't know if enough twisting could be put into the leader with a person holding one end to make it much tighter. 

I find it easier to attach one end to a fixed object (door handle etc) and twist from the other end (with a spinning reel) - then folding it in half after the twist has been put into the length of line.
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Aaron Concord on July 22, 2008, 09:55:45 PM

I started doing these in 2001 after multiple rod guide & tip guide damage from other leader knot systems and it's the way that has evolved for me, to use a hook in a drill to pull against and maintain pressure on the twists.
The twists are tight as...the size of the image and the size of what can be written in a short piece can, at times, make it hard to sink my teeth into the rigging as 'perfectly' as one would like.
Use a nail or hook in a vise...use a hook that keeps your screen door open if doing it by yourself if you need a solid object to pull against to make the twists compress. It is far harder on the hands and makes less leaders.
I'm talking about a style that can make 50 leaders in an hour between 2 guys...and they're all tight and evenly wrapped. I won't use it otherwise.

As long as the 'final product' is a twisted leader with equal, compressed twists. I've seen numerous attempts to make it easier or do it differently for the same outcome....whatever works eh??


Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Travis Heaps on July 23, 2008, 08:16:26 AM
......whatever works eh??
Aint that the truth  :)

I certainly never need to make 50 leaders in an hour - i think that many would last me just about a lifetime  :o :D    I think I need to try your method to see how it works - i'll tie one up today for comparison i think. Cheers,
Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Aaron Concord on July 31, 2008, 08:47:55 PM

When I get some guys who need stuff rigged ASAP for a trip, invariably there is a push to get a heap done  ;D ;D ;D

I have to make some more for 'my collection' since they've been ransacked again!

Better charge up the drill.....

Title: Re: Blue Water Mag
Post by: Warwick Joyce on August 06, 2008, 10:47:10 AM
Aaron, I have been trying your method for the twisted leader with no luck as yet :-[ 
A few questions,
Is it a must to have one guy holding the two ends/legs of the leader?
I tried just tying the two ends apart slightly on a rail then twisting with a drill, when i was twisted enough all it wanted to do was untwist again.
Does the person holding the two ends allow them to rotate in his hand?
