- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource

Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Tackle & Techniques => Topic started by: Leo Sorbello on October 31, 2015, 04:05:07 PM

Title: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Leo Sorbello on October 31, 2015, 04:05:07 PM
Hi All,

I would like to know from guys, who have either the subject mentioned rods if there able to cope/use properly stickbait lure weight ranges of 120g - 180g including treble hooks & poppers of weight ranges of 100g - 140g including treble hooks.

I'm interested to maybe acquire either of the rods and would appreciate ones experience with either please.

Thanks guys.


Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Jason Haack on November 01, 2015, 11:33:25 PM
I have the 79MH PE8 UG Swim and consider this more of a PE6-8 rod and is fine for lures up to 120g. Suggest the PE10 Ultimo would be a better option for your needs.
Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Leo Sorbello on November 02, 2015, 06:03:25 AM
Hi Jason,

Thank you for your details, much appreciated. Your insight has assisted me well.


Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Ricky Lim on November 07, 2015, 12:51:12 AM
Hi Leo
I own the 1st generation 79H. One of my favourite rod. Light n wippy! For me I think stick bait range 140-180g and my pick being Orion 180.
Awesome on pencil like Toby, longpen100-150 awesome tip action
A very light rod, can cast 200gm, for me I think too heavy once you add terminal. I had used gamma 2000 on it but prefer lighter plus terminal.
With poppers, my favourite pick would be fullscale 200. Having said that it works fullscalse Big 180 perfectly. ( bigger cup face). Match in Heaven!
Other than that nothing else to say!

Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Leo Sorbello on November 07, 2015, 02:10:41 PM
Hi Ricky,

Many thanks for taking the time in providing a top break up what lures from your use is tops for the 79H....thanks again. It has certainly narrowed it down further to another rod that I'm eyeing out being the Carpenter BLC 80/40 R-Power max Super Cobra.



Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Mark Richie on November 08, 2015, 10:45:43 AM
Pending what your target species is, it's important to note the blue chaser rods are tuna rods. Even the hardcore super cobra. As is usually the case with a tuna rod, their parabolic action means they struggle to lift a big G off the coral.

Take a look at a recent picture posted on the fans of carpenter Facebook page. It really sums up what I'm getting at. It's a great pic but the rod is nearly doubled over on itself. It'd be as comfy as you can get fighting an XO blue fin for an hour but I don't like its chances of lifting a GT off a bommie.

Just my 2c and feel free to prove me wrong anyone.
Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Alex Gomez on November 08, 2015, 11:52:04 AM
Hi Leo,
I'm no expert but have also researched this a lot and yes the BLC series are designed for Kingfish primarily but make excellent tuna rods and have a big following.  The action is designed for the rod to fold over when a fish decides to run under a boat which makes the blank powerful but soft. The Ultimo's are designed for steering GT's away from reef cover in a hurry!

There are much better options with the Ultimo 79H being the best of the three mentioned.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Leo Sorbello on November 08, 2015, 03:47:43 PM
Hi Guys,

If I acquire the Carpenter BLC 80/40 R-Power max Super Cobra, I'll be using the Gamma 90's & 120's, Bluefish 100's, 120's & Bluefish 140's, Gamma 160's in which I'm sure the rod can cast out good distance with weight range of lures mentioned with also nicely work & handle all the lures I've mentioned. Probably, popper weights of around 100g ?.

Yes, I'm aware of this BLC would be better suited to Kingfish & Tuna fishing in which currently I do a lot more of.

More experience feedback already provided from you good guys is super in me thinking harder of possibly a GT purpose rod being the ripple fisher 79H to suffice the stronger focus on GT fishing.

I'm not entirely a novice in lure popping & stickbait fishing but would love to experience more consistent GT fishing.

I probably should of posted my initial post in the kingfish/tuna section with the lure ranges, models and the BLC rod thoughts for others to come out with cross in between applications.



Title: Re: Ripple Fisher Ultimo 79H PE10 UG Swim & 79MH PE8 UG Swim - Rods
Post by: Alex Gomez on November 08, 2015, 05:58:34 PM
People say the Carpenter Coral Viper is such a dual purpose rod and so is the MH 80H.