- Giant Trevally, GTPopping, Topwater & GT Fly-Fishing Resource
Topwater Caranx Ignobilis: Giant Trevally (GT) => Reports & Expeditions => Topic started by: Cy and Kerrin Taylor on April 23, 2007, 11:48:12 AM
We scored our first Big GT on poppers yesterday.
We were casting Halco Haymakers at low tide from a large
rocky point.
It was Gumbrell island, just one of the amazing Whitsunday islands.
There was not much current run, but we found this bait school
in the shallows.
Our first Big GT was caught from the shore in 2 metres. The second
fish was caught off a shallow bommie, near the rocky point.
Both GT exploded our poppers and then ran into the shallows.
It was an awesome experience!
Here is the first GT, which was landed off the point.
Cy and Kerrin Taylor
Whitsundays QLD
This image shows Cy hooked up to his first ever Big GT on popper.
The fight was tough around the shallow reef, so he standed on elevated nearby rocks to keep the line as high as possible.
It worked well!
The gear that helped us was a:
Shimano T-Curve 10-15kg Bluewater Spin rod
Shimano Stella 8000 reel
20LB FINS and 80LB Saltwater leader.
We think the 8000 is an awesome reel.
With this gear, we landed both GT in under 2 minutes.
This guy smashed the Haymaker near a big bommie, about 10 metres from where the first fish was captured.
Both GT were caught at 1:00pm in the Whitsundays.
Big GT are an awesome fish!
To get our first 2 on surface from the edge of a Whitsunday island is just sweet as.
Cy and Kerrin Taylor
Whitsundays QLD
Nice going on 20lb thats awsome from one stella lover to another.
Congratulations Cy & Kerrin....awesome work :D
Getting your first GT is great - the anticipation of the strike and then the adrenalin that comes during the fight is like none other.
Well done! 8)
Fantastic - You should be wrapped that is so cool..... RESPECT-
Great photos and a excellent outcome..... Love it. ;D ;D ;D
Land based big GT's unreal.... :o
Nice going on 20lb thats awsome from one stella lover to another.
nice gt...looking at heading out to gumbrell island when wheather clears up hopping to get one like that......any hints
Top fish boys....
and being Landbased is all the more sweeter..... :)
That was my goal when I headed up there this year.....All I could manage was 5 follows from absolute monsters....but NO hits.... :'(
Great Fish
Pete - if you see the fish and are getting follows, you should persevere and wait for a change in tide. They have to start feeding at some point!!
Top effort guy's i hope their ,there when i head up in October.
How did you guys get out to Gumbrell?