Thanks, Brandon. As for the JB, I have never tested it to breakage. My method is very unscientific in that I tie a Bimini in both ends, hang one from the garage ceiling, and loop the other around a bucket handle in which I put weights from a barbell set. (I have mainly been testing the Biminis). I have found Power Pro from 50 to 80 pound, to break very unpredictably, just above the Bimini (as you would expect). However, as I say, I have never tested either JB hollow, solid or the YKG to actual breakage.
Although I have not measured it, I think you are correct as to the greater thickness of the JB line, compared to say, the PE lines. But I think that may be appearance, more than reality where the hollow lines are concerned, since the hollow center may "puff" them out more, kind of like puffed rice, if you will. The line lies down very well when spooled onto a conventional reels or a spinner, if a lot of tension is used when spooling up. On the other hand, it is my understanding you would never want to cast with the hollow line on a spinner since it tends to slap against the guides while the line is running out.
I just looked at some JB hollow 100 pound test and compared it to the YKG Jigman PE8 (105 pound nominal test) and you are correct. The 105 definitely looks thinner in diameter. I know this: I can get 300 meters (330 yards) of the PE8 on the spool of either a Stella 20,000 or an Accurate SR30 Twinspin. I can load 250 yards of the hollow 130 JB (which I put on only one spool for non-casting--chunking and bottom fishing.)