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Nomad Sportfishing

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  • Bluefin Tuna
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Bugatti Reef Lagoon Explorer 19 Aug 2011
August 23, 2011, 10:12:44 AM
Peter:  Today we made the trip over to Bugatti first thing in the morning with George, Ken and Stewart. The conditions today were amazing and the fishing was just as good. The morning was steady seeing and catching a GT here and there. Some of today's highlights were a 25kg GT leaping 1 metre in the air on Kenny's popper. George losing his timber wolf lure that he has had all week on a fish that was personally the biggest GT I have ever seen as a guide. This GT was a foot across its back and well and truly over 50kg.
The fact that George was catching 25kg fish that weren't even pulling drag and this fish didn't even know it was hooked at the start of the fight but it didn't take too long to realise and when it did my god it smoked off line all we could do was laugh and kiss George's beloved lure goodbye! The last 2 hours of the day was insane action seeing fish constantly from GTs to sky rocketing mackerel, fish getting eaten by sharks and bait every were. Oh and let's not forget George sight casting a 35kg GT on the flats in 1 metre of water and catching it on the magic long tom lure. At the end of the day we ended up with 13 Quality GTs a few Spanish and a stack of good memories that myself and the boys won't forget. What an awesome day's fishing!!

John Dory:- What unbelievable weather we had this morning with barely a ripple on the water. After running over to Bugatti reef Brandon, Bernard and David were keen to get into some GT action, unfortunately after seeing a pack attack early in the day the fish just did not want to play the game, it seemed everywhere we went the fish just didn't want to eat. Late in the afternoon David had a red bass steal a popper out of a GTs mouth and Brandon had a nice fish hooked up for about 30 seconds that fell off which pretty well summed up the day for us. Tough day fishing in a magic looking office.

Nick:-The only difficulty I had today was trying not to drive around at 6000RPM! What amazing conditions and these are those days that make you realise how lucky we are out here to experience the amazing nature of the Bugatti Reef. We had a lengthy run this morning but it was made easier by the calm seas and we were fishing by 8:10 and there was bait every where. We had a steady flow of action all day with the GTs with Stephen, Allan and Joe racking up the numbers and boating 12 fish by 1:30 we were doing extreamly well. As the tide slowed and did some weird course changes so did the bite we did however manage to pick a couple more off a few spots here and there. Joe was undoubtly the Spanish mackerel master today as he was provoking aerial attacks on more than one occasion. It was a great day with 14 GTs being boated, 4 Long tail tuna and a few Spanish mackerel - looking forward to tomorrow.

Glanville:- Unbelievable day today blessed with glass out conditions and a few fish to catch, what more can you ask for...we ended the day with 14 good sized GT and had some unreal takes in the blue holes, some in only a meter or 2 of water. We had consistent action all day and every spot we stopped at we managed to get a couple of bites, we found a shoal later on on the afternoon which was very good to us and we boated a few quick fish to end off the day, the only tricky thing was trying to get home, the ocean seemed like a giant mirror and when the reef is on the verge of sticking out of the water and you cant see it....makes life a little interesting but all was good and the beers on the top deck went down a treat.