Hi Damien,
The Saragosa is a rare beast!
There are very few reels under $1000 I have seen that have the gears & drag pressure to tolerate GT fishing.
For a rod, either the Shimano GT special, Daiwa Muramura or some of the Daiwa Monster Mesh rods, if in stock, can still be great value and as an outfit, would be around $1000.
Casting weights would be more like 90-140grm to get the best out of these rods.
For braid, just for durabilty I'd go to Sunline Super PE in 80lb as a starter, though, just as there are more refined rods and reels, so too can the braid be nicer, such as Daiwa Sensor or GT Avani....it comes down to a whole package I guess.
I go for something in the PE 8-10 since most places I like to fish the GT's are cranky, large and live in horrble structure....
One thing is for sure. When starting out chasing GT's the learning curve is very steep indeed!