Hi Scott, I would probly stick to a solid line purely for the cast-ability. The hollow core is a lot more bulky for the same lb class. Jerry brown seems to be a good quality line, and quite thin as well. As Dave mentioned Probly best to start with pe8 (100lb) and for price go with Jerry brown or Tuff line xp.
As for leader it all depends on the grounds you are fishing and the size of fish, If you are popping rough ground like reef, scattered bommies it might be worth a twister leader of say 100lb-130lb or for a single I would go 150 absolute min and anything above that (I use 170 or 200).
For both line and leader it all about a) the size class of fish and b) the grounds you will be fishing
There are plenty of threads on here discussing leaders and lines so do a search and then its down to personal choice