I keep telling her it is better than me being out drinking, womanising and gambling..which were my main 3 pre-marriage hobbies....and she seems to agree but I think that might wear thin if she ever discovered the full extent (and more importantly, the cost) of my collection...I have about 50 poppers at home, god knows how many jigs and terminals, and some of it is still here at work, I have a 600m spool of Varivas, 10 poppers including a few Craftbaits, some hooks and a few jigs sitting on my shelf at work
Even still, with all of that, she is very tolerant....I think what REALLY annoys her is the fact that I am going away for 8 days and leaving her to look after our 2 year old son on her own, and she does work 4 days a week, so it is always tough on her when I go away
A good woman I would say to put up with me